

Advanced Digital Forensics

Companies and their IT systems are affected by advanced intrusions, various ransomware attacks and or thefts of both sensitive and secret information. In case of being compromised companies need to understand their weak points, ways of intrusion and attackers attributes. The course focuses on developing the student’s skills to investigate and analyze complex cyber attacks (Cyber Kill Chain) and to track the threat actor, discover exploited vulnerabilities so that companies can restore data and system integrity. Digital forensic is the process of detecting and investigating hacking attacks via properly extracted and analyzed evidence and artifacts to report the crime and prevent similar attacks in the future. The crime with computers and digital technologies in today’s cyber world is on the rise. Digital forensic techniques are being used by law enforcement agencies, police, government, and corporate entities around the world. The tools and techniques covered in the course will prepare the attendees to conduct digital forensic investigations using ground-breaking technologies.

Security Metrics and Risk Management

Knowing how well security measures work, or how protected an organisation or systems is, can be difficult to quantify. The course aims to answer questions such as: – How to measure security? – What can be measured? The course presents several security metrics and how they can be implemented and used as KPIs.

Web System Security

Web application security encompasses that the student should learn to understand and discover weaknesses and vulnerabilities in web applications both on the server side and on the client side as well as be able to develop solutions for protection and conduct tests.

Security Software

Every sector of the global economy relies on software. This makes software one of the principal targets for state-sponsored groups, military, criminals and other type of adversaries. Such attacks try to exploit insecure code, that is seemingly innocent bugs, which allow the adversaries to obtain unauthorized access to information or to take full control of compromised systems. The purpose of this course is to train software professionals in understanding in depth how insecure code can be exploited. In addition, it will equip them with knowledge in how to defend against this type attacks. The course begins by analyzing technical, psychological, and real-world factors that lead to production of vulnerable code. This is important knowledge for both developers and managers as it allows them to take actions that mitigate the impact of these factors, both when programming is performed but also during project management. Software exploits use specially crafted input data to applications and services to leverage logic flaws in the code that processes the input. Typically, the exploits overwrite specific structures in the program memory space, which allows them to bypass access control mechanisms and/or execute code provided as part of the input data. Therefore, a large part of the course is dedicated to understanding how exploits are constructed, essentially learning attackers’ “modus operandi”.