
Artificial Intelligence


AI for Managers

The purpose of the course “Artificial Intelligence for Managers” is to give managers and decision makers a principle understanding of AI and to increase their understanding of opportunities, difficulties, benefits, and risks connected to AI. It is neither an “Introduction to AI” nor an “AI for dummies” course. Instead, it is set to demystify AI and to transform it into an actionable tool for manages and decision makers. Target groupThis course is for product managers, project managers, executives, and engineering managers in organizations that have already made, or are about to make, the transition to working with AI. ContentThe course is organized in three modules. The initial module will focus an introduction to AI, giving an understanding of what type of cases can be addressed with AI and what managers need to know about AI technology. Module two will cover tools and concrete on how to set up an AI strategy and roadmap, how to get started on AI projects, how to integrate AI and IT development, how to (self) evaluate AI in use, and, not to forget, the ethical and legal aspects of AI. The third module will give the participants the chance to use their new knowledge and tools and work with their own practical cases and how they could be addressed using AI. The goal of the course is to empower the participants to:  Describe the principal concept of AI, its strengths, and shortcomings Understand opportunities, myths, and pitfalls of AI Identify problem areas in industry, society, and in management where AI could be utilized Analyze how AI can be applied in a particular problem area Manage an AI strategy and get started: implement a strategy and a roadmap to apply AI in a particular problem area Understand how to integrate AI with IT development Assess the maturity of AI utilization in an organization Reflect on applications of AI from an ethical and legal perspective as well as the future challenges (technical, organizational, social, etc.) Practical informationAll materials will be accessible and include reading material, lecturer slides etc. The lectures can either be attended live via Zoom or later using the recordings at a time that is convenient for the participants. There will be 3 onsite workshops with a focus on interaction with the teacher and the co-participants of sharing real-life experiences and insights. The course will be delivered in a flexible manner to facilitate the combination of course work with your ongoing professional commitments. The total effort to pass this course is typically around 200 hours. Teaching language: English Entry requirementsThe basic eligibility for this course is a bachelor’s degree. Candidates with corresponding work experience are also invited to apply. Two years of relevant work experience is considered equivalent to one year of university studies at bachelor level. The course is free 

Applied Deep Learning with PyTorch

The aim of this course is that students will learn about the analysis, design, and programming of deep learning algorithms. The course is part of the programme MAISTR ( where participants can take the entire programme or individual courses. The course is for professionals and is held online in English. Application is open as long as there is a possibility of admission. The courses qualify for credits and are free of charge for participants who are citizens of any EU or EEA country, or Switzerland, or are permanent residents in Sweden. More information can be found at About the course Applied Deep Learning with PyTorch, 5 credits Who is this course for?This course provides the theoretical and practical aspects of deep neural networks. It is intended for students with a background in computer science and engineering. What will you learn from this course?Students will learn about the analysis, design, and programming of deep learning algorithms. The course has two modules: theory and practice. The theoretical content covers basic principles of multi-layer perceptions, spatio-temporal feature extraction with convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), classification and regression of big data, and generating novel data samples using generative models. The practical sessions cover the basics of programming with PyTorch. For instance, image classification and semantic segmentation using CNNs, future image frame prediction with RNNs, and image generation with generative adversarial networks. What is the format for this course?Instruction type: Teaching is in English and fully online. It consists of lectures, computer exercises, and project work. In the computer exercises, the student solves small problems using deep learning models. After programming various exercises, the participants will develop an advanced deep learning project. Participants will be encouraged to bring their own data. High-end GPU machines can be provided for the exercises and project.

Business Implications of AI: A Nano-course

Today's ever-growing AI technology offers many different business opportunities. However, starting an AI project and maximizing the balance between business impact and resources is still a challenging task, requiring a thorough understanding of what AI can and cannot do for your business. This free course will give you an introduction to: What you can use artificial intelligence for How you as a business leader should approach AI from a business strategy perspective What key strategic decisions you need to make upfront What skills you need to succeed How you should start and proceed with different steps of your project The course was developed in collaboration with EIT Digital. See all free online courses that KTH offers

Business Implications of AI: Full course

Today's ever-growing AI technology offers many different business opportunities. However, starting an AI project and maximizing the balance between business impact and resources is still a challenging task, requiring a thorough understanding of what AI can and cannot do for your business. This free course will give you an introduction to: What you can use artificial intelligence for How you as a business leader should approach AI from a business strategy perspective What key strategic decisions you need to make upfront What skills you need to succeed How you should start and proceed with different steps of your project The course was developed in collaboration with EIT Digital. See all free online courses that KTH offers

Computer vision: Image understanding for efficient business and industry

Discover the basics of computer vision and its role in Industry 4.0.Humans are in the midst of what is referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0: the advent of new technologies that will forever change the face of business, and chief among them is computer vision. This three-week course from the Luleå University of Technology will give you a solid introduction to computer vision and help you explore its effects on industry and business. Once you complete the course, you’ll understand the potential applications of computer vision and be empowered to shape its future. This course will guide you through this journey to have a better understanding of the techniques that stand behind this field, and how you can get the benefit of using CV in your current business. The course will cover he concepts of the following fields, image processing, machine learning, deep learning, and use cases of computer Vision in business. Anyone in industry and academia who wants to boost their digital skills and gain confidence in how computer vision practices have evolved and might add a noticeable positive impact to their business and careers. This may include:  Employees, Executives, Directors, Senior Managers, Founders, and Entrepreneurs  Undergraduates and post-graduates  Researchers, teachers from majors related to business This course will be given in English.

Critical Design and Practical Ethics for AI

The course is part of the programme MAISTR ( where participants can take the entire programme or individual courses. The course is for professionals and is held online in English. Application is open as long as there is a possibility of admission. The courses qualify for credits and are free of charge for participants who are citizens of any EU or EEA country, or Switzerland, or are permanent residents in Sweden. More information can be found at About the course Critical design and practical ethics for AI, 3 credits Who is this course for? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly implemented and used in society today. It has already proven to have an impact on the individual, organization and society, and this impact will most likely only increase. Therefore, it is important to understand the ethical issues that may arise from use of AI, as well as to adopt a critical stance to the technology’s impact. The course introduces critical and ethical issues surrounding data and society, to train the student to problematize and reason about artificial intelligence (AI). You are most likely a designer, innovator, or product manager that works with digital services and products. What will you learn from this course? The course deals with different perspectives on AI and its real and potential effect on organizations and society. The course is based on five different perspectives on AI: accountability, surveillance capitalism, power and bias, sustainability, and trust. The course material consists of recent and relevant literature on the impact of, and critical perspectives on AI. Active discussions founded in different ethical perspectives are also an important part of the course. What is the format of this course? This course is primarily self-paced, with a few synchronous meetings. Most activities are based on the student’s having consumed specified material beforehand, such as video lectures, podcasts, articles, and books. Active discussions, both in online forums and during synchronous meetings, are an important part of the course.

Deep Learning for Industrial Imaging

This course will teach you how to build convolutional neural networks. You will learn to design intelligent systems using deep learning for classification, annotation, and object recognition.

Design for Extended Realities

The course consists of three parts that introduce and explore the design of extended realities along different axes: a framing perspective, illustrating what XR is, how it has evolved, and how designing XR differs from traditional digital design practices; a methodological perspective, detailing those XR-specific theory and methods that address XR design issues; and a practical perspective, exploring best practices and concrete design activities through direct application of these to a case. Each part consists of lectures, readings, supervision, and an assignment centered on the specific topics discussed in the part of the course.Assignments are carried out by students individually and will be peer-reviewed first and then discussed with the teachers and the class using a design critique approach.

Grunderna i AI

KursinnehållKursen syftar till att ge en introduktion och överblick av artificiell intelligens. Fokus ligger på att förstå begreppet och några viktiga tekniker som hur sökning och maskininlärning fungerar samt konsekvenser av AI på samhället.  Börja läsa när du vill Du kan börja läsa kursen i stort sett när du vill då kursen är en online-kurs med flexibel antagning. Du gör ansökan till den termin du tänker börja läsa kursen. Vill du börja direkt så ansöker du till innevarande termin, eller så väljer du den termin du tänker börja. Termin väljer du här ovan, så kommer du till rätt ansökningstillfälle. KursformatKursen är en distanskurs som görs i egen takt och hanteras i sin helhet i en web-baserad kursmiljö. Kursen baseras på självstudier av kursmaterialet och examineras med självrättande tester och inlämningar. Du som har gjort Elements of AI kan anmäla dig till den här kursen för att få dina resultat validerade. Det gäller både den svenska och den engelska versionen av kursen. Du måste inte göra om kursen, däremot måste du ladda upp certifikatet från Elements of AI och göra ett valideringstest med frågor motsvarande de som finns i Elements of AI för att säkerställa att det verkligen är du som gått igenom kursen. För mer information se denna länk. Kursen handleds över internet. Information om behörighetObservera att du vid ansökan till kursen måste kunna styrka att du har grundläggande behörighet. Om dina gymnasiemeriter inte redan finns på dina sidor på så behöver du ladda upp gymnasieexamen, eller motsvarande, på i samband med din ansökan.

Grunderna i AI, del 2: att utveckla AI

KursinnehållKursen syftar till att ge en introduktion till praktisk AI, med fokus på grundläggande maskininlärning. Syftet är att förstå hur man kan skapa AI-system med hjälp av maskininlärning, få inblick i teknikens möjligheter och begränsningar, samt få en överblick över vanliga metoder för maskininlärning. Börja läsa när du villDu kan börja läsa kursen i stort sett när du vill då kursen är en online-kurs med flexibel antagning. Du gör ansökan till den termin du tänker börja läsa kursen. Vill du börja direkt så ansöker du till innevarande termin. Termin väljer du här ovan, så kommer du till rätt ansökningstillfälle.  KursformatKursen är en distanskurs som görs i egen takt och hanteras i sin helhet i en web-baserad kursmiljö. Kursen baseras på självstudier av kursmaterialet och examineras med självrättande tester och inlämningar. Du som har gjort Elements of AI, Part 2: Building AI kan anmäla dig till den här kursen för att få dina resultat validerade. Detta innefattar att göra ett valideringstest med frågor motsvarande de som finns i Elements of AI, Part 2: Building AI för att säkerställa att det verkligen är du som gått igenom kursen. För mer information se denna länk. Kursen handleds över internet. Information om behörighetObservera att du vid ansökan till kursen måste kunna styrka att du har grundläggande behörighet. Om dina gymnasiemeriter inte redan finns på dina sidor på så behöver du ladda upp gymnasieexamen, eller motsvarande, på i samband med din ansökan.

Machine Learning With Big Data

The rapid development of digital technologies and advances in communications have led to gigantic amounts of data with complex structures called ‘Big data’ being produced every day at exponential growth. The aim of this course is to give the student insights in fundamental concepts of machine learning with big data as well as recent research trends in the domain. The student will learn about problems and industrial challenges through domain-based case studies. Furthermore, the student will learn to use tools to develop systems using machine-learning algorithms in big data.

Predictive Data Analytics

The course will give insights in fundamental concepts of machine learning and actionable forecasting using predictive analytics. It will cover the key concepts to extract useful information and knowledge from big data sets for analytical modeling