
Uppsala University

Uppsala University was founded in 1477 and is today a strong and broad research university which is ranked among the best in the world. Here you will find 50,000 students and close to 5,000 researchers. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. At the heart of this mission is the endeavor to advance sustainable development, engage with the wider community, and promote openness and respect. Our most important asset are all the individuals whose curiosity and commitment make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces.


Batterier: Att driva en mobil värld

Den här kursen ger en inblick i batteriernas värld. Vi använder alla batterier varje dag, men vet du verkligen hur ett batteri fungerar, vad som finns i det, vad det är användbart för och hur forskare försöker förbättra dem för framtiden? I den här introduktionskursen kommer vi att berätta allt från batterigrunderna, till utvecklingen av litiumjonbatteriet, deras tillämpningar och krav, vilka typer av material som används för att bygga batterier, till vad som händer med ett batteri när det är slut. och hur batterier utvecklas för framtiden. Som deltagare i denna kurs har du helst någon form av teknisk bakgrund, troligen läst naturvetenskap på högskola eller till och med på högre utbildning, eller har erfarenhet av ett tekniskt yrke. Förhoppningen är att du efter kursen ska bli mycket mer medveten om batterivärlden, kraven, applikationerna och komponenterna i ett batteri, samt ett bredare perspektiv på hur denna viktiga teknik kommer att utvecklas under det kommande decenniet. Observera att videoinspelningarna i denna kurs är på engelska men är textade på svenska.

Batteries: Powering a Mobile World

This course provides a glimpse into the world of batteries. We all use batteries every day, but do you really know how a battery works, what’s inside it, what it’s useful for, and how scientists are trying to improve them for the future? In this introductory course, we will tell you everything from battery basics, through the development of the lithium-ion battery, their applications and requirements, what kinds of materials are used to build batteries, to what happens to a battery when it’s finished its life and how batteries are being developed for the future. As a participant in this course, you ideally have some form of technical background, probably studied sciences at college or even in higher education, or have experience in a technical profession. It is hoped that after the course you will be much more aware of the battery world, the requirements, applications and components of a battery, as well as having a wider perspective of how this important technology will develop over the coming decade. It is expected that this course should take about 10-15 hours in total to complete.   The course is available from 30th of December 2022.

Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region

Are you interested in learning more about climate change in the Baltic Sea Region? Then this is the course for you.  In this course, you will learn, discuss and gain new experiences about climate change on both a global and regional level. The course consists of a wide range of modules that aim to give you as a student a holistic understanding of climate change in the Baltic Sea Region. The materials are developed by an international team of climate change experts and university teachers from different universities in the Baltic Sea Region. Each of them will contribute with their knowledge and expertise, while also teaching parts of the materials. You will learn about basic climatology, how the planet is warming, how human societies are driving the warming, how we can be sure that climate change is happening, why climate change should be seen as something urgent that we need to address and finally how we can adapt and mitigate to climate change.

Climate Change Leadership and Transitions in Practice (self paced)

Learn more about climate change’s impact on society and how you can lead a wide range of transition processes and practically work with climate transitions within different areas.   Ongoing and future climate impacts on different parts of society, the attempts to try to build sustainability within planetary boundaries and interconnected international crises’ have created a unique situation concerning the issues’ urgency, complexity and uncertainty. Within this shifting landscape knowledgeable, creative and brave leaders and citizens are necessary to being able to fundamentally change how businesses, regions, municipalities and different organizations work and achieve results. This online course introduces climate science, climate change’s impact on society, different perspectives on the causes and possible solutions to the climate dilemma, climate justice and international agreements, carbon budgets and different climate scenarios, leadership within different contexts on different levels, key areas for successful transitions and different good examples of climate transitions, the individual’s and the collective’s possibilities and responsibilities, and concrete first steps towards transitions work within your work and local context.

Conditions and Challenges of Sustainability

If you are interested in learning more about the critical application of sustainability, then this course will be of definite interest. This course considers sustainability from a number of perspectives, particularly how it is approached, interpreted, worked alongside and implemented. The course will be of interest to all who are keen to learn more about sustainability, especially from a critical perspective. The issues focused on include democracy, personal interpretation and cooperation.  This is an introductory course within the field of sustainability science with contributions from experts in the field of sustainability. These experts come from across the Baltic Sea Region, including from Poland, Sweden and Lithuania.  The course is structured into three parts, beginning with an introduction to the Anthropocene which helps to provide some important context for the course. The second and third chapters focus on the critical issues at play when it comes to sustainability including working for sustainability and being together for sustainability.  Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting

Cybersäkerhet i samhällskritiska system, med fokus på elsystem

Digital säkerhet, cybersäkerhet, är en nödvändighet för en fungerande samhällskritisk infrastruktur, såsom elsystem, vattenrening, trafik och sjukvård. Detta blir speciellt tydligt då vi går mot en grön omställning av vårt samhälle, då just samhällskritiska funktioner måste fungera och digitalisering av samhällskritiska funktioner ökar, för att vi ska kunna effektivisera olika verksamheter. Och med det följer att cybersäkra lösningar är ett måste, så att samhället och dess medborgare inte drabbas av digitala intrång. I denna kurs kommer exempel tas upp från olika samhällskritiska funktioner, med fokus på elsystemet. Digitala lösningar kommer att behandlas, samt metoder och modeller för cybersäkra system. Innehåll - Samhällskritiska system- Sveriges och Nordens elsystem- Styrning och övervakning av elsystem- Analys av digitala lösningar för elsystem- Informationssäkerhetsbegrepp: konfidentialitet, riktighet och tillgänglighet; spårbarhet.- Internationell ISO/IEC standardisering- Omvärldsanalys Kursens upplägg Allt sker digital på distans, genom Zoom/motsvarande. Föreläsningar – kommer inte att spelas in – varvas med seminarier där olika frågeställningar behandlas i dialog med deltagarna.   Du kommer få kunskap om Efter kursen ska du ha fått en ökad förståelse för behovet av säkra digitala lösningar samt en bättre medvetenhet (”awareness”) om digitala sårbarheter. Kursen behandlar metoder och verktyg för att stärka en cybersäker miljö, med fokus på samhällskritiska elinfrastrukturer. Vem vänder sig kursen till? Kursen vänder sig till dig som arbetar inom någon samhällskritisk funktion, såsom elbolag, trafikverk, vattenreningsverk eller sjukvårdssystem. Du ska ha en teknisk bakgrund, med kunskap om ditt område där du är verksam. 

Economic Sustainability- an introduction

Welcome to this course- Economic Sustainability- an introduction.  If you are looking for an introduction to this important topic, then this course is for you! The course begins with an introduction to the Anthropocene, before diving into the subject of economic sustainability. This is explored by a number of angles with supporting literature and quizzes.  This is an introductory course to sustainability science with a focus on economics. It is created by experts in the field of sustainability. These experts come from across the Baltic Sea Region, including from Lithuania and Poland.   You have to finish all stages of each module to finish the course. You have unlimited amounts of tries on the quizzes but you have to get every answer right in order to move on.  Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting

Efficient Sustainable Development Goal fulfilment through collaborative learning and the UNDP 7-Step methodology

About the course:This course is a collaboration between Uppsala University and the United Nations Development Programme.  The course aims to strengthen participants' capacity to contribute actively to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, in a complex, ever changing, global society. It will do so by clarifying the context of the SDGs in the international community, and by addressing the needed solutions from a both human and technical approach. The course consists of three modules, which will take you around 16 hours to complete. Module 1 will provide you with a wider background context to the SDGs and the aim is that following this module you will have gained insight into how humanity is being brought together. You will have received a basic understanding of the framework of the rules-based world order, within which the SDGs are set, how they link to this framework, as well as on how progress is maintained. Module 2 will provide you with collaborative learning tools and methods of co-creation. It will provide insights on why change fails and suggest planning tools and resources to enable transition from the current state to the desired state. It will show how you can apply some of these tools to foster collaborative innovations addressing sustainability challenges. Module 3 will provide you with current-day insights into the United Nations Development Programme, the UN body that manages and follows up the progress of the SDGs. You will be introduced to practical tools used by the organization to promote SDG fulfilment, the UNDP 7-step methodology, exemplified by a special focus on e-mobility. This online course is stand-alone, but it is also given as an advanced level as a five week course awarding university credits. Target group:The course has been created for those of you who are seeking a more in-depth understanding of the background and international context of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is for those of you who want to work hands-on with sustainable development, to strengthen this capacity, and are interested in both the human and technical side of delivering solutions. Suppose you are interested in the climate agenda and the power of collaboration, as well as curious to learn more about electrification in transportation systems. In that case, this is a course for you.        

Sustainable Food Systems in the Baltic Sea Region

This is an introductory course on the history, social, economic, and ecological aspects of food production in the Baltic Sea Region. The course  also focuses on future challenges, such as food security and climate change. The course consists of four parts. -The history of agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region -Ecological, economic and social aspects of food systems -The challenges of sustainable food systems - now and tomorrow -Examples from the region Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting

Sustainable Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region

The Course Sustainable Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region aims to provide a basic but comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the origins, applications, analyses and examples of Sustainable Tourism with a specific regional focus on the Baltic Sea. The course has both an interdisciplinary and interregional focus and is designed to give the learner a broad but still focused introduction to the topic with socio-political, economic and environmental viewpoints. The topics that will be covered in this course include the introduction of sustainable tourism, its stakeholders, challenges and theories. Numerous examples will be given, including cases and specific aspects of the topic. The course is a regional cooperation between many researchers across the Baltic Sea Region, including those from Sweden, Finland, Ukraine and Poland.  The course consists of four modules: -An introduction to Sustainable Tourism -Aspects of sustainable tourism -Sustainable spatial planning of tourism destinations -Examples from the field Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting

The Baltic Sea Environment; Challenges and Solutions

The course introduces you to the basics of the Baltic Sea, with its fragile and unique environment. Taking the course will help to better understand how human impacts are changing its marine ecosystems, but also how one can best reverse the negative trends of its destruction. Whether you take this course in your own pace, or within your university, we invite you to take part of the different lectures, and do the assignments for each topic. We hope you will learn something new about our beautiful semi-enclosed sea in Northern Europe. The course is built up with five chapters, each covering a new theme in several sections. Evolution, physical description and climateLife in the Baltic SeaPressures and challengesEnvironmental managementExamples from the region and future outlook The course takes approximately 50 hours to complete and if fully completed, students can request a digital certificate upon completing the course.


FÖR VEM riktar sig till handläggare i kommuner och länsstyrelser samt till alla som vill lära mer om vindkraft. VAD OCH VARFÖR Syftet med kursen är att öka kunskapen om vindkraft och specifikt om frågeställningar som är aktuella vid tillståndsärenden. NÄR OCH HUR Du väljer själv när samt i vilken takt du vill genomföra momenten. Samtliga delar av kursen är avgiftsfria. är uppbyggd av fyra moduler: 1. Vindkraftens förutsättningar 2. Miljöpåverkan 3. Prövning och tillsyn 4. Idébank & lokal nytta Inne i modulerna finns både sökfunktion och kursöversikt, så att du lätt kan orientera dig genom kursens innehåll. Att gå igenom hela kursen tar ca 3–5 dagar beroende på hur intensivt/extensivt du läser. Du kan även välja att läsa delar av kursen.