Product development that efficiently contribute to reduction of material use and waste is key to successful transition towards sustainability. The aim of the course is to give the student a deeper understanding of product development for circular flows. Through this course, you will explore the critical relationship between sustainable practices and product development strategies, preparing you to contribute meaningfully to the circular economy and sustainable development initiatives.
In this course, you will be introduced to systematic working methods for product development in practical contexts, with a specific focus on innovation and creativity. The goal of the course is to provide a deep understanding of the application of various practices in different types of product development work. The objective is for course participants to enhance their ability to understand and apply product development processes in the manufacturing industry and gain deeper insights into how these processes relate to organizations' innovation and business strategies in order to achieve circular flows, resilience, and sustainability.
The teaching consists of self-study using course literature, films, and other materials through an internet-based course platform, as well as scheduled webinars and written reflections. There are no physical meetings; only digital online seminars are included.
Study hours
40 hours distributed from week 35, 2025 to week 42, 2025.
Webinar 1: August, 29th
Webinar 2: week 38
Webinar 3: week 40
Webinar 4: October, 17th
Target Group
This course is primarily intended for engineers in management or middle management positions within industry, whether they are recent graduates or individuals with extensive experience. The course is suitable for individuals with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering management, or similar educational background.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for this course, participants must have completed courses equivalent to at least 120 credits, with a minimum of 90 entry Requirement credits in a technical subject area, with at least a passing grade, or equivalent knowledge. Proficiency in English is also required, equivalent to English Level 6.
Educational package in circular economy
The course Product/production and business development for circular flows is an introduction of the educational package starting again spring 2024 and will also run spring 2026. This course: Product development for circular flow together with Business developmetent for circular flow (starting January 13) Product development for circular flows (starting April 28) are free standing independent courses that build on knowledge in the field.
This course looks at where important materials in products we use every day come from and how these materials can be used more efficiently, longer, and in closed loops. This is the aim of the Circular Economy, but it doesn’t happen on its own. It is the result of choices and strategies by suppliers, designers, businesses, policymakers and all of us as consumers. In addition to providing many cases of managing materials for sustainability, the course also teaches skills and tools for analyzing circular business models and promotes development of your own ideas to become more involved in the transition to a Circular Economy. You will learn from expert researchers and practitioners from around Europe as they explain core elements and challenges in the transition to a circular economy over the course of 5 modules: Module 1: Materials. This module explores where materials come from, and builds a rationale for why society needs more circularity. Module 2: Circular Business Models. In this module circular business models are explored in-depth and a range of ways for business to create economic and social value are discussed. Module 3: Circular Design, Innovation and Assessment. This module presents topics like functional materials and eco-design as well as methods to assess environmental impacts. Module 4: Policies and Networks. This module explores the role of governments and networks and how policies and sharing best practices can enable the circular economy. Module 5: Circular Societies. This module examines new norms, forms of engagement, social systems, and institutions, needed by the circular economy and how we, as individuals, can help society become more circular.
Materials are all around us, in your house, in your phone and in the air you breathe. But what is material and why is it so important? Right now, the green transition is underway, but how do we create a more sustainable world - from raw material to product? It's all about materials. How does material feel? How are materials chosen? What are the materials of the future? Join us and discover our world of materials! The course containsIn this course we go through the basics of what materials are and why they are so important. You get to discover materials, get to know materials and be inspired by the materials of the future. The following areas are included in the course: What is material? How does material feel? How are materials chosen? How are materials recycled? What are the materials of the future? You will learnAt the end of the course you should be able to: Discover and reflect on the world and meaning of materials Get a feel for different materials Discover and analyze materials in your vicinity Understand that different materials are chosen based on the area of use Understand and reflect on the possibilities of materials and their role in the green transition Who is the course for?This is a course suitable for EVERYONE who is curious about the materials in their surroundings, regardless of background and age. The course requires no prior knowledge. It is for those of you who have an interest in a sustainable future and who wonder what role materials have in the green transition. The course is given in Swedish.
The course is given by Chalmers University of Technology. VIDEOCLIP - TEASER: Take two min to get a sense of the course and hear why you should take it: FOR WHO: The course aims at professionals working with or affected by ongoing sustainability transitions. For example, the course targets professionals such as: Those who work with environmental policy related business development and sustainability practice in larger corporations. Examples of typical sectors include transport, energy, food and manufacturing. Civil servants within authorities or municipal operations who are responsible for issues with climate relevance or circular economy. Professionals working with development cooperations, or in intergovernmental organizations with related issues. Applied researchers who want to get an introduction to the subjects. WHAT AND WHY: In this course your invited to learn from the experience and knowledge of a world-leading expert in environmental policy instruments (Thomas Sterner) who, with the help of pedagogical experts, has cherry-picked content from a master's course at Chalmers and tailored the course structure for you as a professional. In the wake of the increased pace of ongoing sustainability transitions, environmental policies are becoming more comprehensive, complex and stringent. The purpose of this course is to give professionals an introduction to the portfolio of environmental policy instruments and equip them with tools to understand the mechanisms of the respective instruments and learn to work strategically with them in their own practice. The course will focus on topics such as climate change, the circular economy, and the energy crisis. To learn from the experience of thought leaders from several major industries, you will be able to view interviews with experts who talk about the role and implications of policies to their work and the sustainability transitions of their industry. WHEN AND HOW: All parts of the course are free of charge, and you choose when and at what pace you want to complete the course elements. The course will be given in English, and the estimated time spent is 35-50 hours, depending on how much of the optional material you chose to study. The course offers you the possibility to tailor the learning experience as it fits best with your professional development. Therefore, it is recommended to read the course together with colleagues, to share joint learning and anchor it in your daily work. However, this is not a requirement. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: The course gives a broad overview of the economic concepts underlying environmental policymaking. You will get insights into the practicalities of environmental and climate policies, both from the perspectives of those implementing the policy and of those facing new regulations. On completion of the course, you will for example be able to: describe and recognize how environmental policy instruments work. identify and relate to which environmental policy instruments are key to climate action and circular economy efforts in one's own sector and organization. The course offers a dynamic learning environment with short videos, quizzes, exercises, and resources.
Utforska teknikerna bakom den gröna omställningen och lär dig om förnybar energi, energiomvandling och kritiska råmaterial för att kunna värdera energiteknologier och deras miljöpåverkan. Det här är för dig som vill förstå tekniker inom den gröna omställningen. Du lär dig om förnybar energi, energiomvandling och de kritiska råmaterial som driver utvecklingen. Efter kursen kan du beskriva och värdera energiteknologier och deras miljöpåverkan. Kursen går igenom olika energiteknologier inom den gröna omställningen, med fokus på tekniker som kopplar till förnybar energi och de processer som rör energiomvandling. Kursen utgår från ett materialperspektiv och syftar till att ge dig en förståelse för tillämpningar som energiomvandling i bränsleceller och batterier, vätgasproduktion genom elektrolys, artificiell fotosyntes, omvandling av solenergi till värme eller elektrisk energi i solfångare och solceller.Kursen ger också en överblick till andra förnybara energisystem såsom vindkraft, biomassa och vattenkraft, och hur dessa kan samverka i ett systemperspektiv i ett hållbart samhälle. Kritiska råmaterial är viktiga för den gröna omställningen, men de kan vara svåra att få tag på eller farliga för människor och miljö vid utvinning eller användning. Kursen tar upp problematiken kring dessa material och belyser sätt att minska beroendet genom alternativ eller effektivare användning. Kursens upplägg Kursen kan läsas både som MOOC-kurs och poänggivande kurs. MOOC-kursen är öppen att söka för alla oavsett bakgrund eller yrkeskategori och kräver inga förkunskaper. MOOC-kursen är en fortbildningskurs och ger inga högskolepoäng. Anmälan till MOOC-kursen görs genom att skicka ett mejl med ditt namn till För de som är intresserade finns möjlighet att läsa kursen som en poänggivande kurs (3 högskolepoäng) och då gör man en avslutande tentamen. Anmälan till den poänggivande kursen görs genom att klicka på ”Apply here” nedan. Ingen kurslitteratur krävs, men hänvisning till material på webben eller artiklar kan förekomma. Kursen består av 10 föreläsningar (7 är förinspelade och 3 ges ”live”) på vardera 2 x 45 minuter, följt av diskussioner: Introduktion till den gröna samhällsomställningen Energi och energiomvandlingar Vindkraft Solceller och solvärme Batterier Vätgas - elektrolysörer och bränsleceller Det framtida energisystemets utformning Kritiska råvaror PFAS och miljöaspekter kring den gröna omställningen Resursanvändning, återvinning och återbruk Mål med kursen Efter avklarad kurs kan du: Förstå grundläggande begrepp kring den gröna omställningen, såsom land- och havsbaserad vindkraft, solceller, solvärme, vätgas, elektrolysörer, bränsleceller, Li-jon batterier, kritiska råmaterial och PFAS. Förstå grundläggande begrepp inom energi och energiomvandling såsom energi, effekt, energidensitet och verkningsgrad. Översiktligt beskriva processer som rör bränsleceller, batterier, solfångare, solceller och elektrolysörer.Förstå effektiviteten för olika processer vad gäller omvandling från en energiform till en annan, såsom värme till mekanisk energi, solljus till kemisk energi och kemisk energi till elektrisk energi. Beskriva materialspecifika egenskaper som är viktiga för funktionen för tillämpningar inom olika förnybara energisystem. Förklara grundläggande begrepp såsom global uppvärmning, energibalans och miljömässig hållbarhetFörstå grundläggande begrepp såsom kritiska råmaterial och vilka metoder och strategier som finns för att minska samhällets behov av dessa. Målgrupp Kursen riktar sig till dig som vill få en bättre förståelse kring de tekniker som diskuteras flitigt i samband med den gröna omställningen. Kursen passar både studenter på eftergymnasial nivå och yrkesverksamma så som till exempel politiker, journalister, ingenjörer och lärare. Anmälan För anmälan till MOOC-kursen skickar du ett mejl med ditt namn till Då kommer du att få tillgång till kursmaterialet på lärplattformen Canvas (från och med 10 mars 2025). För anmälan till den poänggivande kursen klickar du på ”Apply here” nedan.
Opens in May 2025. The Swedish version of the course, namely ”Varför välja trä vid nästa byggprojekt?” is already open. For more iformation contact course coordinator dimitris.athanassiadis@slu.seCourse DescriptionDifferent types of biomaterials (e.g., wood) are crucial in the challenge of decarbonizing the built environment and reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and infrastructure by replacing materials like steel and cement, which have high carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, we must not forget that it is important to preserve biodiversity and the social values of our forests. The 13 modules of the course cover many forestry related subjects, including harvesting methods, biodiversity, forest management, logistics, the role of forests in the climate transition, carbon storage, environmental benefits of multi-story buildings with wood, and more. The goal is that participants will gain a shared understanding of Swedish forestry so that they can make well-informed decisions about material choices for their next construction project. Course PeriodThe course will be active for 3 years. Content Forest history: The utilization of forests in Sweden throughout the past years Forestry methods and forest management Forest regeneration Wood properties Forest mensuration Forest tree breeding The forest's carbon balance Business models and market development: Focus on wood high rises Nature conservation and biodiversity in the forest Course StructureThe course is fully digital with pre-recorded lectures. You can participate in the course at your own pace. Modules conclude with quizzes where you can test how much you have learned. You will learn aboutUpon completion of the course, you will have learned more about various forest-related concepts, acquired knowledge of forest utilization in Sweden throughout the past years, increased your understanding of forest management and how different management methods affect biodiversity in the forest, and learned about the forestry cycle—from regeneration to final harvesting, etc. Who is this course for?This course is designed for professionals such as architects, municipal employees working with urban planning and construction, individuals in the construction and civil engineering sector, and those in other related fields. This is an introductory course and will contribute to upskilling of the entire construction sector, thereby increasing the industry's international competitiveness while also providing important prerequisites for the development of future sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive cities. Since the course is open to everyone, we hope that more groups, such as students, doctoral candidates, forest owners, and others with an interest in forestry, will take the course and engage with inspiring lectures where scientific knowledge primarily produced within SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) is presented.
Batteries and battery technology are vital for achieving sustainable transportation and climate-neutral goals. As concerns over retired batteries are growing and companies in the battery or electric vehicle ecosystem need appropriate business strategies and framework to work with.This course aims to help participants with a deep understanding of battery circularity within the context of circular business models. You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to design and implement circular business models and strategies in the battery and electric vehicle industry, considering both individual company specific and ecosystem-wide perspectives. You will also gain the ability to navigate the complexities of transitioning towards circularity and green transition in the industry.The course includes a project work to develop a digitally enabled circular business model based on real-world problems. Course content Battery second life and circularity Barriers and enablers of battery circularity Circular business models Ecosystem management Pathways for circular transformation Design principles for battery circularity Role of advanced digital technologies Learning outcomes After completing the course, you will be able to: Describe the concept of battery circularity and its importance in achieving sustainability goals. Examine and explain the characteristics and differences of different types of circular business models and required collaboration forms in the battery- and electric vehicle- industry. Analyze key factors that are influencing design and implement circular business models based on specific individual company and its ecosystem contexts. Analyze key stakeholders and develop ecosystem management strategies for designing and implementing circular business models. Explain the role of digitalization, design, and policies to design and implement circular business models. Plan and design a digitally enabled circular business model that is suitable for a given battery circularity problem. Examples of professional roles that will benefit from this course are sustainability managers, battery technology engineers, business development managers, circular developers, product developers, environmental engineers, material engineers, supply chain engineers or managers, battery specialists, circular economy specialists, etc. This course is given by Mälardalen university in cooperation with Luleå University of Technology. Scheduled online seminars April 11 2025 at 8:30 - 10:30 (course start) June 17th 2025 at 9:00 - 12:00 (project presentations and course ending) Study effort: 80 hours