Utifrån aktuella ’gröna projekt’ och samhällsomvandlingar analyserar vi möjligheter för en mer hållbar planering. Denna kurs bygger vidare på kursen Planering för hållbar samhällsomvandling och grön omställning, I.
Med utgångspunkt i konkreta exempel från norra Sverige och aktuell forskning, lyfter vi fram olika perspektiv, målkonflikter och planeringsutmaningar kopplade till samhällsomvandling och grön omställning. Det kan avse frågor kopplade till användning av mark och vatten, naturtillgångar, energiproduktion, klimatanpassning, transportinfrastruktur, livsmedelsförsörjning, ny ’grön tillverkningsindustri’ (batterier, fossilfritt stål mm). Du får kunskap om både potential och utmaningar, t ex rörande markanvändningskonflikter, arbetskrafts- och kompetensförsörjning, bostadsbyggande, rättviseaspekter (inkl jämställdhet, urfolksrättigheter, demokrati/delaktighet), säkerhet och beredskap.
Kursen ges i huvudsak på distans, med studietakt 50%. Undervisning i form av föreläsningar och seminarier varvas med eget arbete. Under kursens gång erbjudsmöjligheter till erfarenhetsutbyte och diskussioner med övriga deltagare och lärare. En frivillig fysisk sammankomst kommer att ske i Umeå, ungefär två dagar, med inbjudna gästföreläsare, diskussioner och studiebesök/exkursion kopplade till temat grön omställning och hållbar utveckling.
För att kunna tillgodogöra dig kunskaperna i denna kurs behöver du ha gått kursen Planering för samhällsomvandling och grön omställning, I för att ha den teoretiska grunden som krävs.
Under kursens gång fördjupar du dig i ett relaterat fall, gärna kopplat till dina egna erfarenheter och verksamhet i form av ett individuellt projektarbete. I arbetet får du knyta ditt fall till teoretiska perspektiv och aktuell forskning på området, samt presentera och diskutera det med övriga kursdeltagare.
Kursen syftar till att utveckla din förståelse för vad grön omställning innebär, såväl teoretiskt som praktiskt, samt olika perspektiv på hållbar utveckling mer generellt. Den första kursen fokuserar på att lägga en teoretisk grund, medan den andra kursen också ger dig möjlighet att fördjupa sig i något relaterat fall, gärna kopplat till dina egna erfarenheter och verksamhet, knyta det till teoretiska perspektiv och aktuell forskning på området samt presentera och diskutera det med övriga kursdeltagare.
Kursen passar dig som jobbar inom exempelvis offentlig organisation och som arbetar med miljö- och planeringsfrågor, men även politiker och andra beslutsfattare som behöver en ökad kunskap om grön omställning och samhällsomvandling.
Kursen riktas i första hand till yrkesverksamma personer som arbetar med frågor kopplade till planerings- och utvecklingsarbete i offentliga myndigheter och organisationer vilka berörs av grön omställning och hållbar samhällsomvandling i vidare bemärkelse. Det kan exempelvis vara kommuner, regioner, länsstyrelser, departement och statliga verk, samt bransch- och intresseorganisationer. Kursen riktar sig även till privat sektor, t ex företag i relaterade verksamheter och konsulter.
Mer information om kursstart och anmälan publiceras inom kort.
This course is taught in Swedish. For small and medium-sized businesses: learn how to develop a sustainable business and how to implement sustainability in your workplace. Do you want to learn how to use different methods to identify improvement potential for sustainability? Do you know how to smoothly integrate environmental improvement into your daily work? Do you want to learn tools to introduce new ways of working in your organisation and how to engage your employees? This practical course will give you knowledge on how to support your business to become more sustainable. Today we have less than seven years to meet the 1.5 degree target based on the carbon budget calculated by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. New technologies and new environmental investments are an important part of the societal transformation that is underway. It is equally important that we change the way we work and behave in our daily lives as well as in the workplace to reduce our environmental impact. Who can apply? The course is suitable for those in management positions who want to build and develop a sustainable business. For example, you may be a production manager, team leader, project manager, sustainability manager, environmental manager, or learning coordinator. Please note that the course is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses, with 10-249 employees, related to the automotive industry and the electrification transition. Course outline The course is structured around a running assignment and has four main themes: Identifying waste to avoid risk of harm to people and the environment. Use improvement methodology for environmental and resource efficiency improvements. Analyse and develop sustainable processes. Work on visions and goals for long-term sustainable development. See all courses that KTH Leancentrum offers
The Course Sustainable Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region aims to provide a basic but comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the origins, applications, analyses and examples of Sustainable Tourism with a specific regional focus on the Baltic Sea. The course has both an interdisciplinary and interregional focus and is designed to give the learner a broad but still focused introduction to the topic with socio-political, economic and environmental viewpoints. The topics that will be covered in this course include the introduction of sustainable tourism, its stakeholders, challenges and theories. Numerous examples will be given, including cases and specific aspects of the topic. The course is a regional cooperation between many researchers across the Baltic Sea Region, including those from Sweden, Finland, Ukraine and Poland. The course consists of four modules: -An introduction to Sustainable Tourism -Aspects of sustainable tourism -Sustainable spatial planning of tourism destinations -Examples from the field Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting
The course introduces you to the basics of the Baltic Sea, with its fragile and unique environment. Taking the course will help to better understand how human impacts are changing its marine ecosystems, but also how one can best reverse the negative trends of its destruction. Whether you take this course in your own pace, or within your university, we invite you to take part of the different lectures, and do the assignments for each topic. We hope you will learn something new about our beautiful semi-enclosed sea in Northern Europe. The course is built up with five chapters, each covering a new theme in several sections. Evolution, physical description and climateLife in the Baltic SeaPressures and challengesEnvironmental managementExamples from the region and future outlook The course takes approximately 50 hours to complete and if fully completed, students can request a digital certificate upon completing the course.
About the courseRenewable hydrogen stands out as a highly promising solution to decarbonize heavy industries and transportation sector, helping to achieve the climate goals of Sweden- reaching net zero emissions by 2045. The terms renewable hydrogen, clean hydrogen or green hydrogen refers to hydrogen produced from renewable energy or raw material. The utilization of renewable hydrogen for industrial applications necessitates the development of the entire value chain, from generation and storage to transport and final applications. Unlocking the potential of hydrogen economy in Sweden involves not only technological advancements and infrastructure development but also a skilled workforce. This course offers an introduction of renewable hydrogen as a pivotal component for industrial applications, focusing on its generation, storage, transport, and utilization within industrial contexts. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of renewable hydrogen technologies, such as electrolysis, fuel cell, and hydrogen storage and distribution solutions, preparing them with essential knowledge and foundational insights for advancing the decarbonization of industrial processes through the adoption of hydrogen-based energy solutions. Aim and Learning OutcomesThe goal of this course is to develop a basic understanding of renewable hydrogen as a pivotal component for industrial applications, focusing on its generation, storage, transport, and utilization within industrial contexts.The learning outcomes of the course are to be able to: Explain the fundamental knowledge and theories behind electrolysis and fuel cell technologies. Compare and describe the differences of existing renewable hydrogen generation technologies (PEM, AE, AEM, SOE, etc.), and existing fuel cell technologies (PEMFC, MSFC, SOFC, etc.. Describe the principles of hydrogen storage, including gas phase, liquid phase, and material-based storage and thermal management of storage systems. Identify the challenges of hydrogen transportation and be able to describe relevant solutions. Examples of professional roles that will benefit from this course are energy and chemical engineers, renewable and energy transition specialists, policy makers and energy analysts. This course will also support the decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries, such as metallurgical industry and oil refinery industry, by using renewable hydrogen. This course is given by Mälardalen university in cooperation with Luleå University of Technology. Scheduled online seminars April 22nd, 2025May 19th, 2025 Study effort: 80 hours
Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.
Virtual commissioning (VC) is a technique used in the field of automation and control engineering to simulate and test a system's control software and hardware in a virtual environment before it is physically implemented. The aim is to identify and correct any issues or errors in the system before deployment, reducing the risk of downtime, safety hazards, and costly rework. The virtual commissioning process typically involves creating a digital twin of the system being developed, which is a virtual representation of the system that mirrors its physical behaviour. The digital twin includes all the necessary models of the system's components, such as sensors, actuators, controllers, and interfaces, as well as the control software that will be running on the real system. Once the digital twin is created, it can be tested and optimized in a virtual environment to ensure that it behaves correctly under various conditions. The benefits of using VC include reduced project costs, shortened development time, improved system quality and reliability, and increased safety for both operators and equipment. By detecting and resolving potential issues in the virtual environment, engineers can avoid costly and time-consuming physical testing and debugging, which can significantly reduce project costs and time to market. The course includes different modules, each with its own specific role in the process. Together, the modules create a comprehensive virtual commissioning process that makes it possible to test and validate control systems and production processes in a simulated environment before implementing them in the real world. Modeling and simulation: This module involves creating a virtual model of the system using simulation software. The model includes all the equipment, control systems, and processes involved in the production process. Control system integration: This module involves integrating the digital twin with the control system, allowing engineers to test and validate the system's performance. Virtual sensors and actuators: This module involves creating virtual sensors and actuators that mimic the behavior of the physical equipment. This allows engineers to test the control system's response to different scenarios and optimize its performance. Scenario testing: This module involves simulating different scenarios, such as equipment failures, power outages, or changes in production requirements, to test the system's response. Data analysis and optimization: This module involves analyzing data from the virtual commissioning process to identify any issues or inefficiencies in the system. Engineers can then optimize the system's performance and ensure that it is safe and reliable. Expected outcomes Describe the use of digital twins for virtual commissioning process. Develop a simulation model of a production system using a systems perspective and make a plan for data collection and analysis. Plan different scenarios for the improvement of a production process. Analyze data from the virtual commissioning process to identify any issues or inefficiencies in the system and then optimize the system's performance. Needs in the industry Example battery production: Battery behaviors are changing over time. To innovate at speed and scale, testing and improving real-world battery phenomena throughout its lifecycle is necessary. Virtual commissioning / modeling-based approaches like digital twin can provide us with accurate real-life battery behaviors and properties, improving energy density, charging speed, lifetime performance and battery safety. Faster innovation (NPI) Lower physical prototypes Shorter manufacturing cycle time Rapid testing of new battery chemistry and materials to reduce physical experiments Thermal performance and safety It’s not just about modelling and simulating the product, but also validating processes from start to finish in a single environment for digital continuity. Suggested target groups Industry personnel Early career engineers involved in commissioning and simulation projects Design engineers (to simulate their designs at an early stage in a virtual environment to reduce errors) New product introduction engineers Data engineers Production engineers Process engineers (mediators between design and commissioning) Simulation engineers Controls engineer System Integration