
Open for the Climate

A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.

Data driven modeling for engineers

Numerical models are used in every engineering task, from conceptual design to optimization, control, and diagnostics. As the process becomes more complex, data driven models are a powerful tool that allows to quantify relationships between available data and observations, which forms the basis for machine learning. Image recognition, spam filtering, and predictive analytics are some examples of how we can use data driven models. This course provides a simple introduction to fundamental techniques for dimensionality reduction, classification, and regression, which can be applied to all types of engineering problems.

Designing Cycles at 64°

UMA TALKS CLIMATE CHANGE 2022 Climate Adaptation of the Built Environment DESIGNING CYCLES AT 64°   Interior Urban Landscapes and the Water-Energy Food Nexus Climate change demands a recalibration of our built environment to become more resilient. Designing Cycles at 64° takes a multi-scalar approach addressing individual building typologies and, exemplarily for climate adaptation of northern climate zones, the city of Umeå with its diverse urban fabric as a whole. The active involvement of all stakeholders in the planning and future use of buildings and open spaces becomes key. How to create spaces that contribute to community building and social interaction while integrating a maximum of ecosystemic services is therefore a central question that demands for implementable methods, tools, processes and design solutions. At 64° latitude, interior landscapes and the water-energy-food nexus offer interesting possibilities to extend growing seasons and diversify crops, to reduce energy consumption while providing hybrid living spaces between inside and outside. By exploring greenhouse extensions and building envelopes as local passive architectural solutions, DC64° sets out to build productive interfaces between the private and public sector, academia involving the disciplines of architecture and urban planning, urban water management, plant physiology and vertical gardening, as well as the general public in a living lab format. Retrofitting the existing building stock, repurposing vacancies and expanding our building performance may accumulatively have a systemic impact both in terms of reducing water and energy consumption, as well as food miles, while buffering existing infrastructure networks and enabling local food production on site. Expanding on Bengt Warne’s Naturhus (1974) and following examples, we anticipate new multifunctional architectural models applicable in various contexts and scales. FORMAT / The program includes an introductory lecture that addresses climate urgencies and potential capacity for change in the context of the built environment the week before the one-day symposium (hybrid format). The symposium brings together practitioners, researchers and educators and consists of five thematic sessions that can be attended as a full day or individually as they are interrelated, yet also function independently (See program link below). INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES / Understanding of multi-scalar climate-adapation design approaches within the built environment with a focus on the Nordic context / Reflect on aspects of social sustainability when it comes to transforming buildings and inhabitants from being consumers to becoming producers /   Umeå University School of Architecture   Presentations   Program Nov. 30.     For any questions content-related questions please email us  

Djurvälfärd och hållbarhet

Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.

Efficient Sustainable Development Goal fulfilment through collaborative learning and the UNDP 7-Step methodology

About the course:This course is a collaboration between Uppsala University and the United Nations Development Programme.  The course aims to strengthen participants' capacity to contribute actively to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, in a complex, ever changing, global society. It will do so by clarifying the context of the SDGs in the international community, and by addressing the needed solutions from a both human and technical approach. The course consists of three modules, which will take you around 16 hours to complete. Module 1 will provide you with a wider background context to the SDGs and the aim is that following this module you will have gained insight into how humanity is being brought together. You will have received a basic understanding of the framework of the rules-based world order, within which the SDGs are set, how they link to this framework, as well as on how progress is maintained. Module 2 will provide you with collaborative learning tools and methods of co-creation. It will provide insights on why change fails and suggest planning tools and resources to enable transition from the current state to the desired state. It will show how you can apply some of these tools to foster collaborative innovations addressing sustainability challenges. Module 3 will provide you with current-day insights into the United Nations Development Programme, the UN body that manages and follows up the progress of the SDGs. You will be introduced to practical tools used by the organization to promote SDG fulfilment, the UNDP 7-step methodology, exemplified by a special focus on e-mobility. This online course is stand-alone, but it is also given as an advanced level as a five week course awarding university credits. Target group:The course has been created for those of you who are seeking a more in-depth understanding of the background and international context of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is for those of you who want to work hands-on with sustainable development, to strengthen this capacity, and are interested in both the human and technical side of delivering solutions. Suppose you are interested in the climate agenda and the power of collaboration, as well as curious to learn more about electrification in transportation systems. In that case, this is a course for you.        

Enforcing Sustainable Development

What can we do to address the sustainability challenges we face? In this course, you will gain insight into how individuals, organisations and societies approach sustainability challenges in different ways. In various parts of the world different challenges are prioritized and thereby, various approaches and solutions are needed. You will learn about the considerations needed to make decisions of how to prioritize sustainable development. You will also be introduced to different strategies for changing values, attitudes and behaviours. The course introduces enforcements that are applied to influence individuals within companies and in the society at large, including different incentives and instruments to ensure more sustainable behaviours. This course is relevant to professionals working in industry, policymakers, or students in engineering. What you'll learn Identify and prioritize solutions based on different perspectives About how the values, attitudes and behaviours for sustainable development are connected About different environmental management tools How to implement organizational learning, incentives and instruments to change behaviours for sustainable development Concepts used in the current sustainability debate See all free online courses that KTH offers

Exploring sustainable production systems

Our society must shift to sustainable production. The production systems need to be developed in line with the global goals set by the UN and that have been agreed on by the countries. Sustainable production is about producing with, preferably, positive impact, but usually at least as little negative impact as possible, on people and our planet. This three-week course introduces you to sustainable production systems and helps you understand them from economic, social and ecological perspectives. The course begins with an exposé of how production systems have developed historically. You will learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The course continues with an in-depth study of production systems, covering some prominent people and theories in the field. Next, you will learn about current developments in production innovation and Industry 4.0. You will also meet two companies in the manufacturing industry, Polarbröd and Sandvik Coromant, and see examples of how they work with sustainable production. The course concludes by giving you tools to design sustainable production systems. The course is aimed at anyone curious about sustainable production and how industrial production can be developed to become more sustainable. The course will be given in English.

Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia

How can we live a good life on one planet with over seven billion people? This course will explore greening the economy on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation. We will look at the relationships between these levels and give many practical examples of the complexities and solutions across the levels. Scandinavia, a pioneering place advancing sustainability and combating climate change, is a unique starting point for learning about greening the economy. We will learn from many initiatives attempted in Scandinavia since the 1970s, which are all potentially helpful and useful for other countries and contexts. The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an international centre of excellence on strategies for sustainable solutions. The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in green economies utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. The IIIEE has been researching and teaching on sustainability and greener economies since the 1990s and it has extensive international networks connecting with a variety of organizations.

Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities

How can we shape our urban development towards sustainable and prosperous futures? This course explores sustainable cities as engines for greening the economy in Europe and around the world. We place cities in the context of sustainable urban transformation and climate change. We connect the key trends of urbanization, decarbonisation and sustainability. We examine how visions, experiments and innovations can transform urban areas. And we look at practices (what is happening in cities at present) and opportunities (what are the possibilities for cities going forwards into the future). This course was launched in January 2016, and it was updated in September 2021 with new podcasts, films and publications. The course is produced by Lund University in cooperation with WWF and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability who work with creating sustainable cities. The course features researchers, practitioners and entrepreneurs from a range organisations.

Grunderna i AI

Kursen syftar till att ge en introduktion och överblick av artificiell intelligens. Fokus ligger på att förstå begreppet och några viktiga tekniker som hur sökning och maskininlärning fungerar samt konsekvenser av AI på samhället. Du kan börja läsa kursen i stort sett när du vill då kursen är en online-kurs med flexibel antagning. Du gör ansökan till den termin du tänker börja läsa kursen. Vill du börja direkt så ansöker du till innevarande termin, eller så väljer du den termin du tänker börja. Termin väljer du här ovan, så kommer du till rätt ansökningstillfälle.Kursen är en distanskurs som görs i egen takt och hanteras i sin helhet i en web-baserad kursmiljö. Kursen baseras på självstudier av kursmaterialet och examineras med självrättande tester och inlämningar. Du som har gjort Elements of AI kan anmäla dig till den här kursen för att få dina resultat validerade. Det gäller både den svenska och den engelska versionen av kursen. Du måste inte göra om kursen, däremot måste du ladda upp certifikatet från Elements of AI och göra ett valideringstest med frågor motsvarande de som finns i Elements of AI för att säkerställa att det verkligen är du som gått igenom kursen. För mer information se denna länk. Kursen handleds över internet. Observera att du vid ansökan till kursen måste kunna styrka att du har grundläggande behörighet. Om dina gymnasiemeriter inte redan finns på dina sidor på så behöver du ladda upp gymnasieexamen, eller motsvarande, på i samband med din ansökan.Denna kurs kan du också läsa via vår samarbetspartner Nitus lokala lärcentra, som finns på ett flertal platser i Sverige. Läs mer via denna länk.