FÖR VEM riktar sig till handläggare i kommuner och länsstyrelser samt till alla som vill lära mer om vindkraft.
VAD OCH VARFÖR Syftet med kursen är att öka kunskapen om vindkraft och specifikt om frågeställningar som är aktuella vid tillståndsärenden.
NÄR OCH HUR Du väljer själv när samt i vilken takt du vill genomföra momenten. Samtliga delar av kursen är avgiftsfria. är uppbyggd av fyra moduler:
1. Vindkraftens förutsättningar
2. Miljöpåverkan
3. Prövning och tillsyn
4. Idébank & lokal nytta
Inne i modulerna finns både sökfunktion och kursöversikt, så att du lätt kan orientera dig genom kursens innehåll.
Att gå igenom hela kursen tar ca 3–5 dagar beroende på hur intensivt/extensivt du läser. Du kan även välja att läsa delar av kursen.
Society is transitioning from oil dependency to metal dependency as we are turning to fossil-free alternatives in the energy and transport sectors. Today, many more metals in the periodic table are used in our daily lives compared to only a few decades ago and many metals that previously had marginal applications are today central to achieving the climate goals. But where do these metals come from and how are they linked to geology?In this course, you will explore the basics of geology and understand how geology controls where critical metals are in the earth’s crust. You will gain insight into what it takes to mine an ore body and broaden your perspective on what risks and challenges we are facing when it comes to the raw material supply that drives the fossil-free energy transition. This course covers the role of ore geology in the transition to fossil-free energy and transport systems, which means that we are moving from oil dependency to metal dependency. Geological processes throughout the earth’s history are responsible for the current distribution of ore deposits. By understanding how these ore forming processes work, we can better explain why certain metals occur in extractable amounts in one place while being almost absent in another. To meet the global demand of metals needed in, for example, solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries, a thorough understanding of how geological processes work is fundamental. In this course, you will be introduced to the fantastic world of the subsurface that made all the technology you take for granted possible. You will explore: What critical metals are, where they are produced today, and what risks and challenges are involved in the supply of raw materials that drives the fossil-free energy transition. Basic geology – minerals, rock types, geological structures and why they matter. What an ore is and the natural processes that accumulate metals in the earth’s crust. This course is designed for people that would like to gain knowledge about the role of geology in the transition to fossil-free energy systems. The course is for those who want to know more about what critical metals are, how an ore is formed, and about risks and challenges coupled to the supply of raw materials that drive the energy transition. This may include politicians and other authorities, teachers and students in elementary and high school that want to know more about subjects critical to the energy transition. It may also include university students within the social sciences, and many more. The course will also be useful for anyone who is employed and wishes to upskill within the area of societal challenges coupled to the supply of raw materials and the need for metals in modern society. The course will be given in english.
Hydrogen is a clean fuel, a versatile energy carrier, and seems to be the answer to the climate change challenge. Why is everyone talking about it, and how is it going to replace traditional fuels? This modularized course provides a comprehensive overview on hydrogen as an energy carrier, with focus on fuel cell as hydrogen conversion technology. Hydrogen production and storage and their role in decarbonization will be covered. Different fuel cell technologies will be analyzed and discussed to present benefits and challenges in the use of hydrogen for power production, urban mobility, aviation, transportation, residential sector and much more. The learners will be able to combine the available modules to create their personalized education based on their needs and get insights on where and when hydrogen can play a role in a carbon-free society.
This course provides a glimpse into the world of batteries. We all use batteries every day, but do you really know how a battery works, what’s inside it, what it’s useful for, and how scientists are trying to improve them for the future? In this introductory course, we will tell you everything from battery basics, through the development of the lithium-ion battery, their applications and requirements, what kinds of materials are used to build batteries, to what happens to a battery when it’s finished its life and how batteries are being developed for the future. As a participant in this course, you ideally have some form of technical background, probably studied sciences at college or even in higher education, or have experience in a technical profession. It is hoped that after the course you will be much more aware of the battery world, the requirements, applications and components of a battery, as well as having a wider perspective of how this important technology will develop over the coming decade. It is expected that this course should take about 10-15 hours in total to complete. The course is available from 30th of December 2022.
The course on Large Language Models for Industry is designed to cater to the demands of industries amidst the global push for sustainability and green transitions. Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a pivotal technology thatcan revolutionize how industries operate, communicate, and innovate. In this course, participants explore the intricate mechanics and practical applications of LLMs within industry contexts. The course covers the principles and technologies spanning from traditional Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Natural Language Understanding (NLU), enabled through the development of LLMs. Emphasizing industry-specific challenges and opportunities, participants learn to utilize LLMs while considering sustainability concerns. Participants gain valuable insights from adapting LLMs to tackle real-world problems through examples and exercises tailored to industry needs. By the course completion,participants are equipped to leverage LLMs as transformative tools for driving industry innovation and, at the same time, advancing sustainability goals. Three online meetings. Dates TBD – Starting mid November.
In the era of shift towards green transition, industries face unique challenges and generates numerous opportunities. This course, "Intelligent Asset Management and Industrial AI" is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to support advanced technologies in achieving environmental sustainability. Industries play a major role in contributing to the global economy that is accompanied with a significant share towards environmental degradation. The growing climatic concerns and degradation of natural resources has urged the need to reduce carbon footprints, minimize waste, and optimize resource utilization such that a green transition is achieved. Intelligent Asset Management and Industrial AI are at the forefront of this transformation offering innovative solutions to enhance operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact and support the industry’s commitment to sustainability. Furthermore, the course can help a professional to optimize the usage of resources, look for energy efficient systems, consider environmental changes, develop sustainable solutions, and integrate advanced technologies towards green transition. This is a problem-based course specific to an industrial sector. The problems can be provided by the course supervisor, or the participants can bring their own problems from their work. Common problems include e.g. asset management by balancing cost against performance, identifying, detecting, predicting, and planning for unexpected outages, disruptions or failures, exploring challenges and opportunities with AI and digitisation, monitoring the condition of industrial assets, and achieving sustainability goals. Target groupThe target group includes individuals working in various industries such as railway, mining, transportation, construction, manufacturing, logistics, energy, and other organizations that are or planning to implement asset management systems. This course can be suitable for professionals ranging from asset managers, maintenance and reliability professionals, operation managers, engineers, project managers, and asset management consultants. Online seminarsDecember 10th at 14.00 to 15.00January 14th at 14.00 to 15.00January 31st at 14.00 to 15.00February 13th at 14.00 to 15.00February 28th at 14.00 to 15.00 Entry requirements Bachelor’s degree of at least 180 ECTS or equivalent, which includes courses of at least 60 ECTS in for example one of the following areas: Maintenance Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Data Science, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering or equivalent. Or professional experience requirements four to five years of experience in relevant industries.
Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.