Den här kursen ger dig som arbetar inom medicinteknik de nödvändiga kunskaperna för att utveckla och hantera säkra och hållbara digitala system inom vården. Kursen ger dig kunskap om hur digitala system och vårdstöd ska utformas för att säkerställa att säkerhetskrav för patient och sjukhuspersonal uppfylls. Du lär dig att analysera och sammanställa risker och fördelar med olika typer av medicintekniska system samt värdera teknik utifrån hållbar vård och digitalisering.
Medicinteknisk utrustning omgärdas av en speciell lagstiftning för att säkerställa hög patient- och användarsäkerhet. Dagens medicintekniska produkter är också ofta kopplade till sjukhusens datorjournalsystem, något som gör att de sammantagna systemen i många fall blir svåra att överblicka och kontrollera. För företag och ingenjörer ställer detta sammantaget stora krav på kunskap kring hantering av risker vid utveckling och handhavande av medicintekniska system.
Kursen ges på distans och är lärarledd med föreläsningar. I kursen ingår ett mindre projekt som utförs under handledning på den egna arbetsplatsen. Kursen har 25% studietakt, och arbetstiden du behöver lägga ner motsvarar cirka 7 arbetsdagar.
Efter avklarad kurs har du en ökad kunskap om säkerhetsaspekter kopplade till medicinsk teknik. Du har även kunskap om säkerhet, lagar och bestämmelser för medicinteknisk utrustning.
Kursen riktar sig till medicintekniska ingenjörer eller andra yrkesgrupper verksamma på sjukhuset eller inom sjukvården.
This course provides an introduction into network security and covers core security concepts such as, e.g., firewalls, authentication, certificate management, encryption, "stateful packet inspection", VPN and others. During the course you are provided with slide and video materials as well as a set of practical assignments and thus gain both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills needed for the installation, troubleshooting, and monitoring of network devices to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices.
You will learn how to assess industrial Augmented Reality threats, their potential impact on the facilities and employees, and how to mitigate these threats. The course will also provide opportunities to apply new knowledge in use-cases of industrial relevance.
This course introduces the concept of secure architecture which implies mitigation of potential confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA triad) threats by incorporating security elements such as demilitarized zone (DMZ), Anti-DDoS, load balancing, logging-monitoring-alerting (LMA), and incident response domain as well as by using corresponding security practices at the design stage that include but not limited to analysis of attack surface, threat modeling (STRIDE), and risk assessment (CVSS and OWASP Risk Rating Methodology). The design of secure cloud-based architectures is the primary focus of the course in light of premise-to-cloud migration.
Business models that efficiently contribute to reduction of material use and waste are key to successful transition towards sustainability. This course has a particular focus on the interplay between business models, product innovation and production processes. Through this course, you will explore the critical relationship between sustainable practices and business strategies, preparing you to contribute meaningfully to the circular economy and sustainable development initiatives In this course, you will be introduced to systematic working methods for business development in practical contexts, with a specific focus on innovation and creativity. The goal of the course is to provide a deep understanding of the application of various business model practices in different types of development work. The objective is for course participants to enhance their ability to understand and apply business development processes in the manufacturing industry and gain deeper insights into how these processes relate to organizations' innovation and business strategies in order to achieve circular flows, resilience, and sustainability. The teaching consists of self-study using course literature, films, and other materials through an internet-based course platform, as well as scheduled webinars and written reflections. There are no physical meetings; only digital online seminars are included. Study hours 40 hours distributed from week 3, 2025 to week 8, 2025. Webinar 1: January 13thWebinar 2: January 20thWebinar 3: February 3rdWebinar 4: February 17th Target GroupThis course is primarily intended for engineers in management or middle management positions within industry, whether they are recent graduates or individuals with extensive experience. The course is suitable for individuals with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering management, or similar educational background. Entry RequirementsTo be eligible for this course, participants must have completed courses equivalent to at least 120 credits, with a minimum of 90 entry Requirement credits in a technical subject area, with at least a passing grade, or equivalent knowledge. Proficiency in English is also required, equivalent to English Level 6. Educational package in circular economyThe course Product/production and business development for circular flows is an introduction of the educational package starting again spring 2024 and will also run spring 2026. This course: Business development for circular flow together with Product development for circular flows (starting March 3) and Production for cirkular flows (starting April 28) are free standing independent courses that build on knowledge in the field.
In the era of shift towards green transition, industries face unique challenges and generates numerous opportunities. This course, "Intelligent Asset Management and Industrial AI" is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to support advanced technologies in achieving environmental sustainability. Industries play a major role in contributing to the global economy that is accompanied with a significant share towards environmental degradation. The growing climatic concerns and degradation of natural resources has urged the need to reduce carbon footprints, minimize waste, and optimize resource utilization such that a green transition is achieved. Intelligent Asset Management and Industrial AI are at the forefront of this transformation offering innovative solutions to enhance operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact and support the industry’s commitment to sustainability. Furthermore, the course can help a professional to optimize the usage of resources, look for energy efficient systems, consider environmental changes, develop sustainable solutions, and integrate advanced technologies towards green transition. This is a problem-based course specific to an industrial sector. The problems can be provided by the course supervisor, or the participants can bring their own problems from their work. Common problems include e.g. asset management by balancing cost against performance, identifying, detecting, predicting, and planning for unexpected outages, disruptions or failures, exploring challenges and opportunities with AI and digitisation, monitoring the condition of industrial assets, and achieving sustainability goals. Target groupThe target group includes individuals working in various industries such as railway, mining, transportation, construction, manufacturing, logistics, energy, and other organizations that are or planning to implement asset management systems. This course can be suitable for professionals ranging from asset managers, maintenance and reliability professionals, operation managers, engineers, project managers, and asset management consultants. Online seminarsDecember 10th at 14.00 to 15.00January 14th at 14.00 to 15.00January 31st at 14.00 to 15.00February 13th at 14.00 to 15.00February 28th at 14.00 to 15.00 Entry requirements Bachelor’s degree of at least 180 ECTS or equivalent, which includes courses of at least 60 ECTS in for example one of the following areas: Maintenance Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Data Science, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering or equivalent. Or professional experience requirements four to five years of experience in relevant industries.
This course has flexible start and you may join until December 8, 2024. The course is designed for you who wants to learn more about functional safety of battery management systems. The course will also cover other aspects of safety such as fire safety in relation to Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems (RESS) and associated battery management systems. In the course you will be able to develop skills in principles of Battery Management Systems, Functional Safety as well as of other aspects of safety such as Fire Safety, hazard identification, hazard analysis and risk assessment in relation to battery management systems. It also aims to provide a broader understanding of the multifaceted nature of safety. The course takes about 80 hours to complete and you can do it at your own pace. There are two scheduled meetings: One after five weeks to resolve any queries and another at the end of the course for the course evaluation. The date and time will be provided within a week of starting of course. Target GroupThis course is primarily intended for engineers that need to ensure that battery management systems are safe, reliable, and compliant with industry standards. The course is suitable for individuals with backgrounds in for example functional safety, battery systems, automotive or risk assessment. Entry requirements120 university credits of which at least 7.5 credits in software engineering and 7.5 credits in safety-critical systems engineering or 60 university credits in engineering/technology and at least 2 years of full-time professional experience from a relevant area within industry or working life experience regarding application of functional safety standards in the automotive domain or in other domains. The experience could be validated via a recommendation letter of a manager stating the involvement of the student in the development of functional safety artefacts. Proficiency in English is also required, equivalent to English Level 6.