Applications 2024-09-16 - 2025-01-05
The course covers different aspects of securing OS and system services to provide the safe environment for running cloud-based services. The following guidelines will be considered during the course as well as pracTical implementation of Windows and Linux platforms hardening using scripts (e.g. PowerShell and Ansible) to provide automation.
The aim of this course is to give students insight about certification and about what it means to certify/self-assess safety- critical systems with focus on software system and to create a safety case, including a multi-concern perspective when needed and reuse opportunities, when appropriate.
The course is part of the programme MAISTR ( where participants can take the entire programme or individual courses. The course is for professionals and is held online in English. Application is open as long as there is a possibility of admission. The courses qualify for credits and are free of charge for participants who are citizens of any EU or EEA country, or Switzerland, or are permanent residents in Sweden. More information can be found at About the course Smart Healthcare with Applications, 4 credits Who is this course for?The course suits you with any Bachelor’s degree (equivalent of 180 Swedish credit points / ECTS credits at an accredited university) who have an interest in applying Artificial Intelligence (specifically Machine Learning) to healthcare. Leadership/management experience in health-related organization/industry OR a Bachelor degree in computer science is advantageous. What will you learn from this course?Healthcare as a sector together with other health-related sources of data (municipalities, home sensors, etc.), is now in a place and can take advantage of what data science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) have to offer. Information-driven care has the potential to build smart solutions based on the collected health data in order to achieve a holistic fact-based picture of healthcare, from an individual to system perspective. This course aims to provide a general introduction to information-driven care, challenges, applications, and opportunities. Students will get introduced to artificial intelligence and machine learning in specific, as well as some use cases of information-driven care, and gain practice on how a real-world evidence project within information-driven care is investigated. What is the format for this course?Instruction type: The lectures, announcements, and assignments of this course will be fully online via a learning management system and presented in English. Each lecture is delivered through a video conference tool with a set of presentation slides displayed online during each class session. Online practical labs (pre-written Python notebooks) are also provided in the lectures.
Do you want to learn the basics of Industry 4.0, at your own pace, whenever you want? Then the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Introduction to Industry 4.0 is for you. You will learn basic terminology and theory while gaining insight and understanding of the fourth industrial revolution and how it affects us. The MOOC: Introduction to Industry 4.0 is part of MDU's investment in smart production. The course is divided into ten modules, each of which describes different technologies in Industry 4.0. We estimate that it will take about 40 hours to complete the course and it is in English. The MOOC can also give you eligibility to apply for these 3 university courses at Mälardalen University: Internet of things for industrial applications, 5 credits Simulation of production system, 5 credits Big data for industrial applications, 5 credits
This course provides an introduction into network security and covers core security concepts such as, e.g., firewalls, authentication, certificate management, encryption, "stateful packet inspection", VPN and others. During the course you are provided with slide and video materials as well as a set of practical assignments and thus gain both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills needed for the installation, troubleshooting, and monitoring of network devices to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices.
Explore the different tools and software to design, test, and prototype custom robot parts and robust robot behaviour. In recent years, industries around the world have been getting creative when it comes to incorporating robotics into their workflows. This three-week course offers a fascinating introduction to software and tools currently used in robotics. You’ll build basic knowledge of robotics tools and learn how they can be adapted for different industries. Familiarise yourself with Ubuntu operating system and Gazebo framework Gain hands-on experience using 3D robotics models in simulation Learn from the experts at the cutting edge of control engineering, robotics, and AI This course is designed for anyone interested in using robotic solutions in their role and who wants to learn the basics of robotics frameworks. The course will be given in English.
Kursen syftar till att ge en introduktion till praktisk AI, med fokus på grundläggande maskininlärning. Syftet är att förstå hur man kan skapa AI-system med hjälp av maskininlärning, få inblick i teknikens möjligheter och begränsningar, samt få en överblick över vanliga metoder för maskininlärning. Du kan börja läsa kursen i stort sett när du vill då kursen är en online-kurs med flexibel antagning. Du gör ansökan till den termin du tänker börja läsa kursen. Vill du börja direkt så ansöker du till innevarande termin. Termin väljer du här ovan, så kommer du till rätt ansökningstillfälle. Kursen är en distanskurs som görs i egen takt och hanteras i sin helhet i en web-baserad kursmiljö. Kursen baseras på självstudier av kursmaterialet och examineras med självrättande tester och inlämningar. Du som har gjort Elements of AI, Part 2: Building AI kan anmäla dig till den här kursen för att få dina resultat validerade. Detta innefattar att göra ett valideringstest med frågor motsvarande de som finns i Elements of AI, Part 2: Building AI för att säkerställa att det verkligen är du som gått igenom kursen. För mer information se denna länk. Kursen handleds över internet. Observera att du vid ansökan till kursen måste kunna styrka att du har grundläggande behörighet. Om dina gymnasiemeriter inte redan finns på dina sidor på så behöver du ladda upp gymnasieexamen, eller motsvarande, på i samband med din ansökan.Denna kurs kan du också läsa via vår samarbetspartner Nitus lokala lärcentra, som finns på ett flertal platser i Sverige. Läs mer via denna länk.