Är du intresserad av hur modern teknik kan användas för att effektivisera energianvändning? På denna distanskurs lär du dig designa och bygga enklare system för att övervaka och styra en energianläggning, vilket effektiviserar energianvändningen. Perfekt för fastighetsägare, fastighetstekniker, fastighetsskötare och ingenjörer som vill bidra till en hållbar framtid.
Kursen behandlar hur modern teknik kan användas för att effektivisera energianvändning i fastigheter och därigenom bidra till ett minskat behov av energi. Detta ligger i linje med en mer hållbar samhällsbyggnad och ger en ökad grad av självförsörjning av den energi vi behöver i samhället.
Kursen ges som distansutbildning där undervisningen sker via obligatoriska laborationer, föreläsningar samt frågestunder via videokonferenssystem och inspelade filmer. Du förutsätts arbeta relativt självständigt med laborationer och egna projekt. Under kursens gång behöver du ha tillgång till egen Raspberry Pi med tillhörande nödvändig utrustning såsom skärm, mus, tangentbord och strömförsörjning.
Kursen ges i samarbete med industriföretag.
Efter kursen ska du kunna designa och bygga ett enklare system för att monitorera och eventuellt styra en energianläggning i en fastighet. Du ska även kunna koppla samman systemet med ett smarta hem-system för visualisering av data.
Den här kursen är för dig som är fastighetsägare eller arbetar inom fastighetsbranschen som fastighetstekniker, fastighetsskötare eller ingenjör.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a networking paradigm which enables different devices (from thermostats to autonomous vehicles) to collect valuable information and exchange it with other devices using different communications protocols over the Internet. This technology allows to analyse and correlate heterogeneous sources of information, extract valuable insights, and enable better decision processes. Although the IoT has the potential to revolutionise a variety of industries, such as healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing, IoT devices also introduce new cybersecurity risks and challenges. In this course, the students will obtain an in-depth understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the associated cybersecurity challenges. The course covers the fundamentals of IoT and its applications, the communication protocols used in IoT systems, the cybersecurity threats to IoT, and the countermeasures that can be deployed. The course is split in four main modules, described as follows: Understand and illustrate the basic concepts of the IoT paradigm and its applications Discern benefits and drawback of the most common IoT communication protocols Identify the cybersecurity threats associated with IoT systems Know and select the appropriate cybersecurity countermeasures Course Plan Course syllabus Module 1: Introduction to IoT Definition and characteristics of IoT IoT architecture and components Applications of IoT Module 2: Communication Protocols for IoT Overview of communication protocols used in IoT MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP protocols Advantages and disadvantages of each protocol Module 3: Security Threats to IoT Overview of cybersecurity threats associated with IoT Understanding the risks associated with IoT Malware, DDoS, and phishing attacks Specific vulnerabilities in IoT devices and networks Module 4: Securing IoT Devices and Networks Overview of security measures for IoT systems Network segmentation, access control, and encryption Best practices for securing IoT devices and networks Organisation and Examination Study hours: 80 hours distributed over 6 weeks Scehduled online seminars: February 6th 2025, from 13:15 to 16:00 February 26th 2025, from 13:15 to 16:00 March 12th 2025, from 13:15 to 16:00 Examination, one of the following: Analysis and presentation of relevant manuscripts in the literature Bring your own problem (BYOP) and solution. For example, analyse the cybersecurity of the IoT network of your company and propose improvements The number of participants in the course is limited, so please hurry with your application!
About the courseRenewable hydrogen stands out as a highly promising solution to decarbonize heavy industries and transportation sector, helping to achieve the climate goals of Sweden- reaching net zero emissions by 2045. The terms renewable hydrogen, clean hydrogen or green hydrogen refers to hydrogen produced from renewable energy or raw material. The utilization of renewable hydrogen for industrial applications necessitates the development of the entire value chain, from generation and storage to transport and final applications. Unlocking the potential of hydrogen economy in Sweden involves not only technological advancements and infrastructure development but also a skilled workforce. This course offers an introduction of renewable hydrogen as a pivotal component for industrial applications, focusing on its generation, storage, transport, and utilization within industrial contexts. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of renewable hydrogen technologies, such as electrolysis, fuel cell, and hydrogen storage and distribution solutions, preparing them with essential knowledge and foundational insights for advancing the decarbonization of industrial processes through the adoption of hydrogen-based energy solutions. Aim and Learning OutcomesThe goal of this course is to develop a basic understanding of renewable hydrogen as a pivotal component for industrial applications, focusing on its generation, storage, transport, and utilization within industrial contexts.The learning outcomes of the course are to be able to: Explain the fundamental knowledge and theories behind electrolysis and fuel cell technologies. Compare and describe the differences of existing renewable hydrogen generation technologies (PEM, AE, AEM, SOE, etc.), and existing fuel cell technologies (PEMFC, MSFC, SOFC, etc.. Describe the principles of hydrogen storage, including gas phase, liquid phase, and material-based storage and thermal management of storage systems. Identify the challenges of hydrogen transportation and be able to describe relevant solutions. Examples of professional roles that will benefit from this course are energy and chemical engineers, renewable and energy transition specialists, policy makers and energy analysts. This course will also support the decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries, such as metallurgical industry and oil refinery industry, by using renewable hydrogen. This course is given by Mälardalen university in cooperation with Luleå University of Technology. Scheduled online seminars April 22nd, 2025May 19th, 2025 Study effort: 80 hours
The course High-performance Computer Vision in the Cloud provides participants with the necessary tools and skills to navigate large-scale computing infrastructures, emphasizing scalability and performance optimization. Large computing infrastructures can be the key to driving the industry’s green transition. The course recognizes the instrumental role of large computing infrastructures in facilitating a green industry transition, enabling industrial actors to reduce environmental impact and optimize resource utilization, aiming to minimize energy consumption. The course covers concepts such as enabling technologies (e.g., CUDA), distributed computing, multi-core architectures, hardware versus software acceleration, container solutions(e.g., Docker and Kubernetes), as well as metrics and tools for monitoring performance and memory management, providing participants with a comprehensive skill set to lead environmentally responsible solutions in the digital era. Scheduled online seminars January 27th, 14:00-15:30 February 7th, 14:00-15:30 February 17th, 14:00-15:30 February 28th, 14:00-16:00 Entry requirements At least 180 credits including 15 credits programming as well as qualifications corresponding to the course "English 5"/"English A" from the Swedish Upper Secondary School.
The course Leadership for Societal Change 1: Building Change Mindsets and Reflective Competencies is a course for you who want to actively participate in the industrial and societal change towards sustainability. The course aims to develop your reflective competence, make you aware of the learning that exists in your experiences, and master your further personal development as a transformative agent and leader. The course is structured around six delimited assignments that are completed separately. The tasks are taken from an assignment bank where you choose which tasks you do and in what order. The course ends with a summarizing assignment where you capture what you have learned through the six assignments completed. All courses within the Leadership for Sustainable Change course package are designed to be flexible and assume that it may be difficult to leave work and come to campus at specific dates and times. As a student, you can therefore complete the course assignments in your own order and at your own pace using a digital platform. This course is given by Mälardalen university in cooperation with Luleå University of Technology. Study effort: 80 hours
Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.
The course is part of the programme MAISTR ( where participants can take the entire programme or individual courses. The course is for professionals and is held online in English. Application is open as long as there is a possibility of admission. The courses qualify for credits and are free of charge for participants who are citizens of any EU or EEA country, or Switzerland, or are permanent residents in Sweden. More information can be found at About the course Critical design and practical ethics for AI, 3 credits Who is this course for? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly implemented and used in society today. It has already proven to have an impact on the individual, organization and society, and this impact will most likely only increase. Therefore, it is important to understand the ethical issues that may arise from use of AI, as well as to adopt a critical stance to the technology’s impact. The course introduces critical and ethical issues surrounding data and society, to train the student to problematize and reason about artificial intelligence (AI). You are most likely a designer, innovator, or product manager that works with digital services and products. What will you learn from this course? The course deals with different perspectives on AI and its real and potential effect on organizations and society. The course is based on five different perspectives on AI: accountability, surveillance capitalism, power and bias, sustainability, and trust. The course material consists of recent and relevant literature on the impact of, and critical perspectives on AI. Active discussions founded in different ethical perspectives are also an important part of the course. What is the format of this course? This course is primarily self-paced, with a few synchronous meetings. Most activities are based on the student’s having consumed specified material beforehand, such as video lectures, podcasts, articles, and books. Active discussions, both in online forums and during synchronous meetings, are an important part of the course.