A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.
Integrated circuits are central to many of today’s technologies, and their design can significantly impact energy efficiency and sustainability. This course introduces techniques for designing integrated circuits with a focus on environmental aspects. Course content Basic design principles for integrated circuits Energy-efficient solutions for electronics designSustainability in integrated circuit development What you will learn Design integrated circuits with a focus on energy efficiency Implement sustainable solutions in the electronics industry Understand the connection between circuit design and environmental impact Who is the course for? The course is designed for electronics developers, engineers, and technicians working with circuit design who want to focus on sustainability and energy efficiency in their solutions. LanguageThe course is conducted in Swedish and English. Additional informationThe course is offered for a fee.
UMA TALKS CLIMATE CHANGE 2022 Climate Adaptation of the Built Environment DESIGNING CYCLES AT 64° Interior Urban Landscapes and the Water-Energy Food Nexus Climate change demands a recalibration of our built environment to become more resilient. Designing Cycles at 64° takes a multi-scalar approach addressing individual building typologies and, exemplarily for climate adaptation of northern climate zones, the city of Umeå with its diverse urban fabric as a whole. The active involvement of all stakeholders in the planning and future use of buildings and open spaces becomes key. How to create spaces that contribute to community building and social interaction while integrating a maximum of ecosystemic services is therefore a central question that demands for implementable methods, tools, processes and design solutions. At 64° latitude, interior landscapes and the water-energy-food nexus offer interesting possibilities to extend growing seasons and diversify crops, to reduce energy consumption while providing hybrid living spaces between inside and outside. By exploring greenhouse extensions and building envelopes as local passive architectural solutions, DC64° sets out to build productive interfaces between the private and public sector, academia involving the disciplines of architecture and urban planning, urban water management, plant physiology and vertical gardening, as well as the general public in a living lab format. Retrofitting the existing building stock, repurposing vacancies and expanding our building performance may accumulatively have a systemic impact both in terms of reducing water and energy consumption, as well as food miles, while buffering existing infrastructure networks and enabling local food production on site. Expanding on Bengt Warne’s Naturhus (1974) and following examples, we anticipate new multifunctional architectural models applicable in various contexts and scales. FORMAT / The program includes an introductory lecture that addresses climate urgencies and potential capacity for change in the context of the built environment the week before the one-day symposium (hybrid format). The symposium brings together practitioners, researchers and educators and consists of five thematic sessions that can be attended as a full day or individually as they are interrelated, yet also function independently (See program link below). INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES / Understanding of multi-scalar climate-adapation design approaches within the built environment with a focus on the Nordic context / Reflect on aspects of social sustainability when it comes to transforming buildings and inhabitants from being consumers to becoming producers / Umeå University School of Architecture Presentations Program Nov. 30. For any questions content-related questions please email us cornelia.redeker@umu.se sara.thor@umu.se constanze.hirt@umu.se
Målet med kursen är att ge lärare fortbildning inom ämnet djurvälfärd och hållbarhet. Kursens mål är också att ge lärare inspiration att designa sin egen undervisning, att ge lärare möjlighet att ta till sig ny forskning och att dela med sig av läraktiviteter som kan användas av fler.
Welcome to this course- Economic Sustainability- an introduction. If you are looking for an introduction to this important topic, then this course is for you! The course begins with an introduction to the Anthropocene, before diving into the subject of economic sustainability. This is explored by a number of angles with supporting literature and quizzes. This is an introductory course to sustainability science with a focus on economics. It is created by experts in the field of sustainability. These experts come from across the Baltic Sea Region, including from Lithuania and Poland. You have to finish all stages of each module to finish the course. You have unlimited amounts of tries on the quizzes but you have to get every answer right in order to move on. Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting pontus.ambros@balticuniv.uu.se
Edge computing enables faster and more energy-efficient data processing directly at the source. In robotics, this can lead to improved performance and sustainability. This course introduces the concept of edge computing and its applications in robotics. Course content • Fundamentals of edge computing• Applications of edge computing in robotics• Energy-efficient solutions for data processing What you will learn • Understand the principles of edge computing• Implement edge computing in robotic systems• Optimize data processing for energy efficiency Who is the course for?The course is designed for engineers, developers, and technicians working with robotics, IoT, and data processing who want to implement energy-efficient solutions in their projects. LanguageThe course is conducted in English. Additional informationThe course includes 15 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
About the course:This course is a collaboration between Uppsala University and the United Nations Development Programme. The course aims to strengthen participants' capacity to contribute actively to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, in a complex, ever changing, global society. It will do so by clarifying the context of the SDGs in the international community, and by addressing the needed solutions from a both human and technical approach. The course consists of three modules, which will take you around 16 hours to complete. Module 1 will provide you with a wider background context to the SDGs and the aim is that following this module you will have gained insight into how humanity is being brought together. You will have received a basic understanding of the framework of the rules-based world order, within which the SDGs are set, how they link to this framework, as well as on how progress is maintained. Module 2 will provide you with collaborative learning tools and methods of co-creation. It will provide insights on why change fails and suggest planning tools and resources to enable transition from the current state to the desired state. It will show how you can apply some of these tools to foster collaborative innovations addressing sustainability challenges. Module 3 will provide you with current-day insights into the United Nations Development Programme, the UN body that manages and follows up the progress of the SDGs. You will be introduced to practical tools used by the organization to promote SDG fulfilment, the UNDP 7-step methodology, exemplified by a special focus on e-mobility. This online course is stand-alone, but it is also given as an advanced level as a five week course awarding university credits. Target group:The course has been created for those of you who are seeking a more in-depth understanding of the background and international context of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is for those of you who want to work hands-on with sustainable development, to strengthen this capacity, and are interested in both the human and technical side of delivering solutions. Suppose you are interested in the climate agenda and the power of collaboration, as well as curious to learn more about electrification in transportation systems. In that case, this is a course for you.
Kursen Ekonomiska beräkningar och analyser av cirkulära affärsmodeller är din möjlighet att fördjupa dig i de ekonomiska verktyg och metoder som driver den cirkulära ekonomin framåt. KursperiodKursen ges under vårens andra läsperiod och är helt nätbaserad för maximal flexibilitet. Kursens innehållKursen ger dig insikter i hur företag kan skapa värde genom att implementera cirkulära affärsmodeller, med fokus på långsiktigt hållbara lösningar och optimering av resurser. Du lär dig använda relevanta verktyg för att göra ekonomiska analyser, från ett kund- och leverantörsperspektiv, och får kunskap om centrala principer som livscykelperspektiv, avskrivningsmodeller och restvärdeshantering. Kursens upplägg Kursen ges under vårens andra läsperiod och är helt nätbaserad för maximal flexibilitet. Föreläsningarna hålls live online, men spelas även in, så att du kan välja om du vill delta i realtid eller ta del av materialet vid en tidpunkt som passar dig bäst. Genom interaktiva online seminarier får du möjlighet att diskutera verkliga case och ekonomiska utmaningar inom cirkulära affärsmodeller. Du kommer få kunskap omGenom denna kurs får du inte bara teoretisk kunskap, utan även praktisk erfarenhet av att analysera och jämföra cirkulära och linjära affärsmodeller – en kompetens som blir alltmer efterfrågad i både näringslivet och den offentliga sektorn. Vem vänder sig kursen tillDen är särskilt lämplig för dig som redan har en bakgrund inom ekonomi och vill fördjupa dina kunskaper i mer cirkulära och hållbara affärsstrategier. När du ansöker till kursen måste du visa att du har grundläggande behörighet. Om dina gymnasiebetyg inte redan finns på antagning.se, behöver du ladda upp din gymnasieexamen eller motsvarande där när du ansöker. På kursens sida på liu.se kan du se vilka behörighetskrav som gäller för kursen.
The battery value chain encompasses the extensive range of processes and industries that contribute to the production and post-use phase of rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles and other applications. Familiarity with all parts of the value chain is important in the growth of the individual parts. A stronger value chain and a greater awareness of its entirety also leads to the development of more sustainable and higher performance batteries that are needed for the ongoing green transition. In this course, we will give an overview of the key activities and industries within the battery value chain, from raw materials to use-phase and recycling. A focus will be on scale-up, linking lab-scale research to production, while additionally considering sustainability aspects in all value chain sectors. Topics Battery value chain overview Sourcing raw materials Critical raw materials and sustainable materials Materials synthesis and scale-up of production Electrode fabrication Cell formats, fabrication, and formation Applications and safety Re-use, recycling, and circularity Course structure This course is fully digital with pre-recorded lectures. The recordings are in Swedish with English subtitles. You can take part in the course in your own pace. You will learn By the end of the course, you will be able to: identify the key processes and industries of the battery value chain, describe the important practices in each part, and relate certain aspects to your existing knowledge and/or experiences. You will be able to discuss aspects of sustainability for each part of the value chain, how the concept of circularity is important, and how these relate to the development of next-generation batteries. Who is the course for? This course is designed primarily for those active in the vehicle industry or other technical fields that have limited knowledge of batteries or related topics. Participants ideally have an educational or professional background in the natural sciences or technology, but the course can also be interesting for those in geology, social sciences, or with links to any battery-relevant industry.
Är du intresserad av hur modern teknik kan användas för att effektivisera energianvändning? På denna distanskurs lär du dig designa och bygga enklare system för att övervaka och styra en energianläggning, vilket effektiviserar energianvändningen. Perfekt för fastighetsägare, fastighetstekniker, fastighetsskötare och ingenjörer som vill bidra till en hållbar framtid. Kursen behandlar hur modern teknik kan användas för att effektivisera energianvändning i fastigheter och därigenom bidra till ett minskat behov av energi. Detta ligger i linje med en mer hållbar samhällsbyggnad och ger en ökad grad av självförsörjning av den energi vi behöver i samhället. Kursens upplägg Kursen ges som distansutbildning där undervisningen sker via obligatoriska laborationer, föreläsningar samt frågestunder via videokonferenssystem och inspelade filmer. Du förutsätts arbeta relativt självständigt med laborationer och egna projekt. Under kursens gång behöver du ha tillgång till egen Raspberry Pi med tillhörande nödvändig utrustning såsom skärm, mus, tangentbord och strömförsörjning. Kursen är under utveckling, planeras att ges hösten 2025 Kursens pågår under 2 månader Ges på distans med 50% studietakt, vilket motsvarar ca tre veckors studier på helfart Kursen ges i samarbete med industriföretag. Mål med kursen Efter kursen ska du kunna designa och bygga ett enklare system för att monitorera och eventuellt styra en energianläggning i en fastighet. Du ska även kunna koppla samman systemet med ett smarta hem-system för visualisering av data. Målgrupp Den här kursen är för dig som är fastighetsägare eller arbetar inom fastighetsbranschen som fastighetstekniker, fastighetsskötare eller ingenjör. Mer information om kursstart och anmälan publiceras inom kort.
What can we do to address the sustainability challenges we face? In this course, you will gain insight into how individuals, organisations and societies approach sustainability challenges in different ways. In various parts of the world different challenges are prioritized and thereby, various approaches and solutions are needed. You will learn about the considerations needed to make decisions of how to prioritize sustainable development. You will also be introduced to different strategies for changing values, attitudes and behaviours. The course introduces enforcements that are applied to influence individuals within companies and in the society at large, including different incentives and instruments to ensure more sustainable behaviours. This course is relevant to professionals working in industry, policymakers, or students in engineering. What you'll learn Identify and prioritize solutions based on different perspectives About how the values, attitudes and behaviours for sustainable development are connected About different environmental management tools How to implement organizational learning, incentives and instruments to change behaviours for sustainable development Concepts used in the current sustainability debate See all free online courses that KTH offers
Materials are all around us, in your house, in your phone and in the air you breathe. But what is material and why is it so important? Right now, the green transition is underway, but how do we create a more sustainable world - from raw material to product? It's all about materials. How does material feel? How are materials chosen? What are the materials of the future? Join us and discover our world of materials! The course containsIn this course we go through the basics of what materials are and why they are so important. You get to discover materials, get to know materials and be inspired by the materials of the future. The following areas are included in the course: What is material? How does material feel? How are materials chosen? How are materials recycled? What are the materials of the future? You will learnAt the end of the course you should be able to: Discover and reflect on the world and meaning of materials Get a feel for different materials Discover and analyze materials in your vicinity Understand that different materials are chosen based on the area of use Understand and reflect on the possibilities of materials and their role in the green transition Who is the course for?This is a course suitable for EVERYONE who is curious about the materials in their surroundings, regardless of background and age. The course requires no prior knowledge. It is for those of you who have an interest in a sustainable future and who wonder what role materials have in the green transition. The course is given in Swedish.
Access to critical minerals and materials crucial to our wealth and well-being must be produced in a sustainable way. This means that the research must deal with metals and minerals that are innovation-critical, necessary for green/smart transition, rare, of insufficient supply or which should not be traded from conflict zones. Various component of the course makes it useful for professionals and hands-on with lectures, assignments, homeworks, fieldcourse and field reports as well as rock physics lab. Topics Sustainable exploration, mining and extraction of critical raw materials Course element: Critical and strategic raw materials Sustainability, SDGs, ESG and social aspects (the value chain) Exploration methods Geological and ore forming context Physical properties Geophysical methods Drilling technologies Extraction and mineral processing methods Rock quality and mining methods Nano-tech solutions Ground water contamination and accessibility Environmental assessments Mine tailing and beneficiation Site visits and hands-on (Epiroc, Blötberget, labs) Course structure The course is a combination of in-person, hybrid and hands-on including field trips. You will learn By the end of the course, you will be able to: analyse what exploration methods are used for what commodities, have good knowledge of the state-of-the-art solutions and incorporate your learning in todays industry practices. Who is the course for? This course is designed for those who are geologists, engineers or work with sustainability to learn how critical raw materials are explored, mined and turn to metals. It is open to both university students but also industry participants from relevant sectors. How much time do I need for the course? The course will run from 25 August - 5 December 2025 and will in sum require 100 hrs of commitments. Check the SERC center for more updates: www.smartexploration.se