A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.
Successful production of sustainable products requires advanced analytical techniques to ensure quality and efficiency. This course provides practical knowledge of methods for analyzing and supporting the production of products for the green transition. Course content Introduction to analytical techniques Quality assurance in production Analysis of sustainability and environmental impact What you will learn Use advanced analytical techniques in production processes Ensure quality and sustainability in production Identify areas for improvement to optimize production Who is the course for? The course is designed for quality managers, production leaders, and engineers working with sustainable production who want to deepen their knowledge of analytical techniques. LanguageThe course is conducted in Swedish and English. Additional informationThe course includes 60 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
Chemical processes play a crucial role in the green transition, from producing sustainable materials to reducing emissions. This course provides a fundamental understanding of chemistry and its application in sustainable solutions. Course Content Basic chemistry for the green transition Sustainable chemical processes Environmental and energy aspects of chemical applications What You Will Learn Understand the basics of chemistry related to the green transition Analyze and optimize chemical processes for sustainability Identify applications that minimize environmental impact Who Is the Course For? The course is designed for chemists, process engineers, and other professionals in the chemical industry who want to understand and apply sustainable chemical processes. Language The course is conducted in English. Additional information The course is offered for a fee.
The green transition requires support and participation from the entire society to be successful. Citizen dialogue is a crucial part of building understanding, trust, and acceptance for necessary changes. This course explores methods and tools for conducting effective dialogues and engaging citizens in the transition process. Course content Principles of citizen dialogue Methods for engaging diverse target groups Case studies from successful transition projects What you will learn Understand the importance of citizen dialogue in the transition process Plan and conduct dialogues that engage and inform Evaluate the impact of citizen dialogue on the transition process Who is the course for? The course is designed for civil servants, policymakers, and urban planners working with sustainability projects and citizen engagement. It is also relevant for communicators and project managers seeking to improve their ability to lead dialogues related to the green transition. Language The course is offered in Swedish. Additional information The course includes 60 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
Big data and the algorithms used in data science, together with the corresponding process and its technology tools, have important implications for addressing climate change. From machine learning algorithms to data visualization, data science methods are used to investigate and better understand climate change and its various effects on land, sea, food, etc.Data science is a powerful approach which is capable of helping practitioners, and policy-makers understand the uncertainties and ambiguities inherent in data, to identify interventions, strategies, and solutions that realize the benefits for humanity and the environment, and to evaluate the multiple– and sometimes conflicting–goals of decision-makers. In this MOOC course, we introduce methods pertaining to the growing field of data science and apply them to issues relevant to climate change. Topics Data science Analytics as a process Data-driven decisions Climate change Applications of data science in climate change Course content Understand data science Learn about the sources of big data Understand the basics of climate change, its impacts and sustainable development goals Get to know data-driven decisions and how they are made Highlight some climate change challenges that are directly or indirectly related to data science Apply data science knowledge and skills to make climate change related decisions Learn how others have used data science in association with addressing climate change problems You will learnBy the end of the course, you will be able to: obtain and analyze datasets; make data-driven decisions; identify and address climate change challenges using data science Who is the course for?This course is designed for those who want to improve their analytics and data-driven decision-making skills, with an emphasis on utilizing such skills for addressing climate change challenges. The course will also be useful for practitioners and policy-makers as they can benefit from understanding the uncertainties and ambiguities inherent in data and using it to identify interventions, strategies, and solutions that realize benefits for humanity and the environment.
Kursen Ekonomiska beräkningar och analyser av cirkulära affärsmodeller är din möjlighet att fördjupa dig i de ekonomiska verktyg och metoder som driver den cirkulära ekonomin framåt. KursperiodKursen ges under vårens andra läsperiod och är helt nätbaserad för maximal flexibilitet. Kursens innehållKursen ger dig insikter i hur företag kan skapa värde genom att implementera cirkulära affärsmodeller, med fokus på långsiktigt hållbara lösningar och optimering av resurser. Du lär dig använda relevanta verktyg för att göra ekonomiska analyser, från ett kund- och leverantörsperspektiv, och får kunskap om centrala principer som livscykelperspektiv, avskrivningsmodeller och restvärdeshantering. Kursens upplägg Kursen ges under vårens andra läsperiod och är helt nätbaserad för maximal flexibilitet. Föreläsningarna hålls live online, men spelas även in, så att du kan välja om du vill delta i realtid eller ta del av materialet vid en tidpunkt som passar dig bäst. Genom interaktiva online seminarier får du möjlighet att diskutera verkliga case och ekonomiska utmaningar inom cirkulära affärsmodeller. Du kommer få kunskap omGenom denna kurs får du inte bara teoretisk kunskap, utan även praktisk erfarenhet av att analysera och jämföra cirkulära och linjära affärsmodeller – en kompetens som blir alltmer efterfrågad i både näringslivet och den offentliga sektorn. Vem vänder sig kursen tillDen är särskilt lämplig för dig som redan har en bakgrund inom ekonomi och vill fördjupa dina kunskaper i mer cirkulära och hållbara affärsstrategier. När du ansöker till kursen måste du visa att du har grundläggande behörighet. Om dina gymnasiebetyg inte redan finns på antagning.se, behöver du ladda upp din gymnasieexamen eller motsvarande där när du ansöker. På kursens sida på liu.se kan du se vilka behörighetskrav som gäller för kursen.
Materials are all around us, in your house, in your phone and in the air you breathe. But what is material and why is it so important? Right now, the green transition is underway, but how do we create a more sustainable world - from raw material to product? It's all about materials. How does material feel? How are materials chosen? What are the materials of the future? Join us and discover our world of materials! The course containsIn this course we go through the basics of what materials are and why they are so important. You get to discover materials, get to know materials and be inspired by the materials of the future. The following areas are included in the course: What is material? How does material feel? How are materials chosen? How are materials recycled? What are the materials of the future? You will learnAt the end of the course you should be able to: Discover and reflect on the world and meaning of materials Get a feel for different materials Discover and analyze materials in your vicinity Understand that different materials are chosen based on the area of use Understand and reflect on the possibilities of materials and their role in the green transition Who is the course for?This is a course suitable for EVERYONE who is curious about the materials in their surroundings, regardless of background and age. The course requires no prior knowledge. It is for those of you who have an interest in a sustainable future and who wonder what role materials have in the green transition. The course is given in Swedish.
Efficient energy use is a crucial part of sustainability efforts. Accurate flow measurement of liquids and gases can optimize energy consumption and streamline processes. This course teaches techniques and tools for implementing flow measurement in various applications. Course content Fundamentals of flow measurement technologyEnergy optimization through flow analysisPractical applications in industry and energy sectors What you will learn Use flow measurement to optimize energy consumptionEvaluate and implement measurement tools for different processesUnderstand how flow measurement impacts sustainability and energy efficiency Who is the course for? The course is designed for engineers, technicians, and production managers working with process optimization and energy efficiency in industrial settings. LanguageThe course is conducted in Swedish. Additional informationThe course includes 30 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
The steel industry is one of the largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions globally. With the introduction of fossil-free manufacturing processes, the industry can take significant steps toward a sustainable future. This course introduces the fundamentals of fossil-free steel production, focusing on techniques and processes to reduce climate impact. Course content Introduction to fossil-free steel production Use of hydrogen in steel manufacturing Climate impact and sustainability aspects What you will learn Understand the basics of fossil-free steel production Analyze the climate impact of traditional steel manufacturing Identify key factors for implementing fossil-free processes Who is the course for? The course is designed for engineers, technicians, and decision-makers in the steel and manufacturing industries. It is also suitable for researchers and students interested in understanding and working with fossil-free technology in steel production. Language The course is conducted in Swedish and English. Additional information The course includes 60 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
Hur kan vi skydda våra digitala system samtidigt som vi bidrar till en mer hållbar framtid? Denna kurs ger dig de grundläggande kunskaperna i kryptografi och visar hur du kan använda energieffektiva tekniker för att möta både säkerhets- och miljöutmaningar i en digital värld. Du lär dig om hur hållbara lösningar och energieffektiv kryptering kan spela en nyckelroll i den gröna omställningen. Perfekt för dig som vill förena IT och hållbarhet. Kursen passar programmerare som vill bygga säkra, energieffektiva applikationer och förstå hur kryptografi påverkar digitala betalningssystem och blockchain. Kursens upplägg Kursen är på distans, anpassad för självstudier och med studietakt på 12%. Genom praktiska övningar och teoretiska insikter får du verktygen för att börja integrera säkerhet och hållbarhet i dina digitala projekt. Examination sker genom inlämningsuppgift och muntlig redovisning. Mål med kursen Du lär dig om kryptering, autentisering, digitala signaturer och hashing – tekniker som skyddar allt från känslig data till digitala betalningssystem som kryptovalutor. Samtidigt får du insikt i hur hållbara lösningar och energieffektiv kryptering kan spela en nyckelroll i den gröna omställningen. Målgrupp Kursen passar dig som: Är programmerare och vill bygga säkra, energieffektiva applikationer. Är intresserad av hur kryptografi påverkar digitala betalningssystem och blockchain-teknologi. Vill förstå hur IT och hållbarhet kan förenas i den gröna omställningen.