A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.
How can we govern consumption and the sharing economy in our cities? This course explores cities, consumption and the sharing economy in Europe and around the world. We connect together the key themes of the sharing economy, cities, governance, consumption and urban sustainability. We explore how the sharing economy can contribute to increasing social, environmental and economic sustainability. And we argue that it is imperative that the sharing economy is shaped and designed to advance urban sustainability. This course was launched in May 2020, and it was updated in September 2021 with new podcasts, films and publications. This course is produced by Lund University in cooperation with partners from Sharing Cities Sweden – a national program for the sharing economy in cities with a focus on governance and sustainability. It features researchers, practitioners and entrepreneurs from a range organisations.
This course explores how we can design, create and achieve climate neutral cities. We embrace the “mission to the moon” approach for tackling greenhouse emissions from cities putting an emphasis on pathways and opportunities. We utilise insights and inspiration from Sweden, Europe and around the world. We target how to support individuals and organisations in developing transformative skills and capacities for action on climate neutral cities. We focus on mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions but also connect to adaptation, resilience, social justice and sustainable development in the context of cities, climate and change. The course is designed around 5 interconnected modules. We therefore created a format that provides a diversity of ways to learn and creatively engage with the content. Module 1: Visions and Plans. In this week we begin with looking at visions for climate action and the plans or strategies on how to achieve ambitious goals.Module 2: Data and Tools. In this week we explore tools for climate action and creating both immediate and long-lasting impacts.Module 3: Finance and Partnerships. In this week we tackle the key challenge of financing climate action and the vital role of partnerships.Module 4: Engagement and Action. In this week we delve into community and citizen engagement and how it underpins climate action.Module 5: Research and Innovation. In this week we connect climate action to research, evaluation and innovation. This course will be launched on Oct 25, 2023.
The green transition requires support and participation from the entire society to be successful. Citizen dialogue is a crucial part of building understanding, trust, and acceptance for necessary changes. This course explores methods and tools for conducting effective dialogues and engaging citizens in the transition process. Course content Principles of citizen dialogue Methods for engaging diverse target groups Case studies from successful transition projects What you will learn Understand the importance of citizen dialogue in the transition process Plan and conduct dialogues that engage and inform Evaluate the impact of citizen dialogue on the transition process Who is the course for? The course is designed for civil servants, policymakers, and urban planners working with sustainability projects and citizen engagement. It is also relevant for communicators and project managers seeking to improve their ability to lead dialogues related to the green transition. Language The course is offered in Swedish. Additional information The course includes 60 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
Are you interested in learning more about climate change in the Baltic Sea Region? Then this is the course for you. In this course, you will learn, discuss and gain new experiences about climate change on both a global and regional level. The course consists of a wide range of modules that aim to give you as a student a holistic understanding of climate change in the Baltic Sea Region. The materials are developed by an international team of climate change experts and university teachers from different universities in the Baltic Sea Region. Each of them will contribute with their knowledge and expertise, while also teaching parts of the materials. You will learn about basic climatology, how the planet is warming, how human societies are driving the warming, how we can be sure that climate change is happening, why climate change should be seen as something urgent that we need to address and finally how we can adapt and mitigate to climate change.
Learn more about climate change’s impact on society and how you can lead a wide range of transition processes and practically work with climate transitions within different areas. Ongoing and future climate impacts on different parts of society, the attempts to try to build sustainability within planetary boundaries and interconnected international crises’ have created a unique situation concerning the issues’ urgency, complexity and uncertainty. Within this shifting landscape knowledgeable, creative and brave leaders and citizens are necessary to being able to fundamentally change how businesses, regions, municipalities and different organizations work and achieve results. This online course introduces climate science, climate change’s impact on society, different perspectives on the causes and possible solutions to the climate dilemma, climate justice and international agreements, carbon budgets and different climate scenarios, leadership within different contexts on different levels, key areas for successful transitions and different good examples of climate transitions, the individual’s and the collective’s possibilities and responsibilities, and concrete first steps towards transitions work within your work and local context.
The main goal of this course is to teach you basic knowledge and skills in argumentation.You will be engaged in co-constructing evidence-based justifications as well as in analyzing existing justifications in search of argumentation fallacies. Individual work as well as group-based work will allow you to practice. You will analyze climate-related articles (published in scientific literature but also in the news) and will extract the implicit underlying arguments and provide their analysis.Ultimately, this course will help you to develop basic argumentative skills needed to critically join the debate in society on climate goals. Who is the course for?CLIMATE GOALS, ARGUMENTATION, EVIDENCE is aimed at anyone who is interested in moving the first steps into the argumentation domain with the purpose of joining the debate on climate goals.An engineer (but also a politician) is expected to have founded arguments before taking any (climate-related) action. A citizen is expected to have founded arguments before engaging and sustaining any climate-related political agenda. How is the course structured?The course is a 4-week course. Each week mainly focuses on a single Intended Learning Outcome.
If you are interested in learning more about the critical application of sustainability, then this course will be of definite interest. This course considers sustainability from a number of perspectives, particularly how it is approached, interpreted, worked alongside and implemented. The course will be of interest to all who are keen to learn more about sustainability, especially from a critical perspective. The issues focused on include democracy, personal interpretation and cooperation. This is an introductory course within the field of sustainability science with contributions from experts in the field of sustainability. These experts come from across the Baltic Sea Region, including from Poland, Sweden and Lithuania. The course is structured into three parts, beginning with an introduction to the Anthropocene which helps to provide some important context for the course. The second and third chapters focus on the critical issues at play when it comes to sustainability including working for sustainability and being together for sustainability. Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting pontus.ambros@balticuniv.uu.se
Digital säkerhet, cybersäkerhet, är en nödvändighet för en fungerande samhällskritisk infrastruktur, såsom elsystem, vattenrening, trafik och sjukvård. Detta blir speciellt tydligt då vi går mot en grön omställning av vårt samhälle, då just samhällskritiska funktioner måste fungera och digitalisering av samhällskritiska funktioner ökar, för att vi ska kunna effektivisera olika verksamheter. Och med det följer att cybersäkra lösningar är ett måste, så att samhället och dess medborgare inte drabbas av digitala intrång. I denna kurs kommer exempel tas upp från olika samhällskritiska funktioner, med fokus på elsystemet. Digitala lösningar kommer att behandlas, samt metoder och modeller för cybersäkra system. Innehåll - Samhällskritiska system- Sveriges och Nordens elsystem- Styrning och övervakning av elsystem- Analys av digitala lösningar för elsystem- Informationssäkerhetsbegrepp: konfidentialitet, riktighet och tillgänglighet; spårbarhet.- Internationell ISO/IEC standardisering- Omvärldsanalys Kursens upplägg Allt sker digital på distans, genom Zoom/motsvarande. Föreläsningar – kommer inte att spelas in – varvas med seminarier där olika frågeställningar behandlas i dialog med deltagarna. Du kommer få kunskap om Efter kursen ska du ha fått en ökad förståelse för behovet av säkra digitala lösningar samt en bättre medvetenhet (”awareness”) om digitala sårbarheter. Kursen behandlar metoder och verktyg för att stärka en cybersäker miljö, med fokus på samhällskritiska elinfrastrukturer. Vem vänder sig kursen till? Kursen vänder sig till dig som arbetar inom någon samhällskritisk funktion, såsom elbolag, trafikverk, vattenreningsverk eller sjukvårdssystem. Du ska ha en teknisk bakgrund, med kunskap om ditt område där du är verksam.
Numerical models are used in every engineering task, from conceptual design to optimization, control, and diagnostics. As the process becomes more complex, data driven models are a powerful tool that allows to quantify relationships between available data and observations, which forms the basis for machine learning. Image recognition, spam filtering, and predictive analytics are some examples of how we can use data driven models. This course provides a simple introduction to fundamental techniques for dimensionality reduction, classification, and regression, which can be applied to all types of engineering problems.
Big data and the algorithms used in data science, together with the corresponding process and its technology tools, have important implications for addressing climate change. From machine learning algorithms to data visualization, data science methods are used to investigate and better understand climate change and its various effects on land, sea, food, etc.Data science is a powerful approach which is capable of helping practitioners, and policy-makers understand the uncertainties and ambiguities inherent in data, to identify interventions, strategies, and solutions that realize the benefits for humanity and the environment, and to evaluate the multiple– and sometimes conflicting–goals of decision-makers. In this MOOC course, we introduce methods pertaining to the growing field of data science and apply them to issues relevant to climate change. Topics Data science Analytics as a process Data-driven decisions Climate change Applications of data science in climate change Course content Understand data science Learn about the sources of big data Understand the basics of climate change, its impacts and sustainable development goals Get to know data-driven decisions and how they are made Highlight some climate change challenges that are directly or indirectly related to data science Apply data science knowledge and skills to make climate change related decisions Learn how others have used data science in association with addressing climate change problems You will learnBy the end of the course, you will be able to: obtain and analyze datasets; make data-driven decisions; identify and address climate change challenges using data science Who is the course for?This course is designed for those who want to improve their analytics and data-driven decision-making skills, with an emphasis on utilizing such skills for addressing climate change challenges. The course will also be useful for practitioners and policy-makers as they can benefit from understanding the uncertainties and ambiguities inherent in data and using it to identify interventions, strategies, and solutions that realize benefits for humanity and the environment.
Global digitalization generates vast amounts of data, making data-driven decision-making essential for success in many industries. The ability to transform data into actionable insights can enhance business strategies, operational efficiency, and sustainability efforts. This course provides an introduction to data analysis and decision-making using predictive models and machine learning. Participants will be introduced to methods and tools for analyzing data, building predictive models, and making strategic decisions based on data-driven insights. Course content • Fundamentals of data-driven decision-making• Introduction to machine learning and predictive analysis• Tools and methods for data analysis and modeling What you will learn • Understand the basics of data-driven decision-making and its applications• Analyze data using predictive models and machine learning techniques• Develop strategic decisions based on data analysis Who is the course for? The course is designed for business leaders, managers, researchers, and professionals who want to use data-driven analysis to improve business strategies and drive sustainable development. It is also suitable for technicians and analysts looking to build their skills in data analysis and decision-making. LanguageThe course is conducted in English. Additional informationThe course includes 80 hours of study and is offered for a fee.
Electric drive systems are central to the transition toward sustainable transport and industrial solutions. Efficient design and implementation of drive systems can reduce energy consumption and improve performance. This course covers the fundamentals of designing and optimizing electric drive systems for various applications. Course Content Principles of electric drive systems Design for energy efficiency and performance Applications in industry and electric vehicles What You Will Learn Design electric drive systems for different applications Optimize systems for energy efficiency and sustainability Analyze challenges and opportunities in electric drive systems Who Is the Course For? The course is tailored for engineers and developers in the transport and manufacturing industries, as well as professionals working with the electrification of vehicles and industrial systems. Language The course is conducted in English. Additional information The course includes 65 hours of study and is offered for a fee.