A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.
This course is taught in Swedish. The circular economy can now be considered an established part of the transition to a sustainable society. But what does it really mean and what is new? This course will give you an introduction to the circular economy with a focus on materials. You will learn what the circular economy is, how it relates to sustainable development and the key principles of the circular economy. Adding on to this introductory course, there is a course on recycling and a course on metals in a circular society. Materials in a circular society - Recycling Materials in a circular society - Metals The course is free of charge, taught online with no scheduled meetings and can be followed at your own pace. You can take the course without any subject-specific prior knowledge. You will be continuously examined by answering questions related to each part. Examination is through automatically corrected questions and reflection tasks. To pass, you must answer all questions correctly. There is no limit to the number of times you can answer the questions. The reflection questions allow you to stop and give answers from your own perspective. These are not graded. See all free online courses that KTH offers
In this course package you will get a basic introduction to the concept of sustainable development. Among other things, we will discuss: The three pillars of sustainability (economic, social and ecological sustainability) Planetary boundaries Resource management You will also learn about key competences for sustainability such as systems thinking and values thinking, and get an overview of the basic mechanisms of Earth’s climate and climate change. See all free online courses that KTH offers
This course is taught in Swedish. This course is an extension to the course Introduction to materials in a circular society. The course gives you basic insights into the circular economy and the recycling of metals. You will also gain an understanding of the recycling of the most common metals and their role in a sustainable society in a circular economy. During the course we will review: The basics of the properties of the most common metals and their different uses The basics of the production of the most common metallic materials Recycling of metals and their environmental footprint The basics of the circular economy The course is completely free of charge, taught online with no scheduled sessions, and can be followed at your own pace. You can take the course without subject-specific prior knowledge. The course consists of five parts: Introduction to metals Properties of metals Classification of major metals Preparation of the most common metals Recycling and environmental perspectives You will be examined continuously by answering questions related to each part. The examination is based on questions that are automatically corrected. To pass, you must answer all questions correctly. There is no limit to the number of times you can answer the questions. After passing the course you will have learned to: Explain the characteristics of metallic materials and describe the properties, uses and production processes of the most common metallic materials. Reason insightfully about the strengths and weaknesses of different metallic materials from both a user and sustainability perspective. Explain the process for recycling different metals in a circular economy with low environmental impact. Explain what a circular economy is and explain key circular economy concepts. Other courses about the circular economy: Introduction to materials in a circular society Materials in a circular society - Recycling See all free online courses that KTH offers
This course is taught in Swedish. This course is an extension to the course Introduction to materials in a circular society. The course summarises the state of the art in circular economy and recycling of materials. The course includes the following elements: What is recycling? Different materials and processes for recycling Open and closed systems for recycling Standards and recycling in a circular society The course is completely free of charge, taught online with no scheduled meetings, and can be followed at your own pace. You can take the course without subject-specific prior knowledge. You will be continuously examined by answering questions related to each part. Examination is by automatically corrected questions and reflection tasks. To pass, you must answer all questions correctly. There is no limit to the number of times you can answer the questions. The reflection questions allow you to stop and give answers from your own perspective. These are not graded. Other courses about the circular economy: Introduction to materials in a circular society Materials in a circular society - Metals See all free online courses that KTH offers
Miljö, klimat och hälsa Kursen ger en fördjupad förståelse för hur hälsa samspelar med globalisering och miljö- och klimatförändringar, och hur hållbara lösningar kan utvecklas på lokal och global nivå för att möta framtidens utmaningar. Kursens innehåll Globala processer såsom miljö- och klimatförändringarDe globala hållbarhetsmålen / Agenda 2030HälsokonsekvensanalysKlimatanpassningRamverk inom miljö- och klimatpolitik. Vidare behandlar kursen specifikt klimatförändringar och deras effekter på hälsa i vårt nordeuropeiska klimatområde. I det sammanhanget behandlas också särskilt utsatta miljöer respektive känsliga patientgrupper och individer. Även värmens effekter vid arbete samt klimatanpassning och förebyggande av väderrelaterade risker för boende och inom hälso- och sjukvård ingår. Larmkedjor, handlingsplaner och beredskapsfrågor inom vård- och omsorg tas upp, och effektiviteten av förebyggande åtgärder inom vård- och omsorg. Omfattning Kursen är uppdelad i tre delar, med totalt 15 filmade föreläsningar. Medverkande Christofer Åström (Medicine doktor, Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet) Maria Nilsson (Professor, Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå universitet) Chris Ebi (Professor, Center for Health and the Global Environment, University of Washington) Eva-Lotta Glader (Docent, överläkare, Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet) Gustav Strandberg (Filosofie doktor, SMHI)
Arbetar du med offentliga upphandlingar? Du kan spela en viktig roll i Sveriges strävan mot att bli mer hållbart och cirkulärt. I den här kursen får du lära dig mer om hur du genom upphandling kan bidra till att driva fram mer innovativa och hållbara lösningar. Om den här kursen Offentlig upphandling kan spela en viktig roll för att nå ett mer hållbart och cirkulärt samhälle. I Sverige motsvarar den idag snart 1 000 miljarder kr per år och rätt använd kan den, genom sin enorma omfattning, driva fram nydanande mer hållbara lösningar. Lösningar som har potential att skapa mer värde och minskade kostnader för offentligheten. För att lyckas krävs dock ny kunskap, t ex kopplat till teknik, ekonomi och juridik, om hur man på bästa sätt upphandlar dessa mer cirkulära och hållbara lösningar. Det här får du lära dig När du har gått kursen kommer du att ha lärt dig: olika koncept och strategier kopplat till cirkulär ekonomi vilka hinder och drivkrafter som finns för implementering av cirkulära strategier vid offentlig upphandling vilka rättsliga normer som möjliggör, begränsar eller förhindrar upphandling av cirkulära lösningar grundläggande principer för kravhantering och uppföljning Vem kan gå kursen? Alla som har ett intresse för upphandling av cirkulära lösningar. Kursen riktar sig främst till yrkesverksamma personer inom näringsliv och organisationer som arbetar med offentlig upphandling, eller personer som studerar upphandling. Kursen är öppen för alla och gratis. Det finns inga krav på förkunskaper eller särskild behörighet för att delta i kursen. Upplägg Kursen ges online och på distans, och du kan följa kursen i din egen takt. Kursmaterialet bygger på inspelade föreläsningar och läsanvisningar.
A thriving global society relies on the stability of the Earth and its resilience across oceans, forests, waterways, biodiversity, the atmosphere and more. So how do we shape sustainability at a global scale? The boundaries set by the planet’s natural resources, the resilience of those resources, and the human activities that impact sustainability all come into play. In this massive open online course, see the rapidly evolving trends in global environmental change and the responses aimed at slowing or eliminating these changes. Get an overview of what is seen by some scientists as our current geological epoch – the Anthropocene, or an age of global change driven most significantly by humans. Learn how unsustainable patterns of production, consumption and population growth have challenge planetary resilience, all in support of human activity – and how our societies can develop in a just and safe way within the planet’s boundaries. This course is for: * Anyone new to the concept of sustainable development who wants to understand the interplay between human actions and what the planet can support.* Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of sustainability, environmental science, responsible consumption and related topics* Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility – who want a concise overview of the latest developments in the field
Learn about remanufacturing in this short introduction course. After you have completed this course you will be able to define what remanufacturing is and explain its drivers and challenges. The course also brings up industrial remanufacturing examples from all around the world.About the courseThis course describe what remanufacturing is by defining it and showing existing industrial remanufacturing examples. It also brings up drivers and challenges to remanufacturing and what the economic and environmental aspects that are connected to remanufacturing. Topic covered by the courseWhen you have passed this MOOC you will be able to: - define remanufacturing- give industrial examples of remanufacturing- explain drivers and challenges to remanufacturing- connect economic and environmental aspects to remanufacturingWho can take the course?The course is open to everyone and free. There are no requirements for prior knowledge or special qualifications to participate in the course. Course structureThe course is an online course where teaching is completely by remote methods, using a web-based platform. It consists of several pre-recorded lectures, readings and exercises.
This is a course for professionals and PhD students seeking a wider understanding of our current global predicaments, how to make sense of them, and how to respond. The first module introduces the Anthropocene, The Great Acceleration, Planetary Boundaries along with causal relationships between energy, technology, economy, values and the human and more-than-human experience. The second module explores how our own cognition, values, norms and emotions guide our responses to the crises of our time, and how we can formulate coherent responses based on our experiences. The third introduces a way of reasoning about the world in terms of interconnected systems instead of independent problems, and explores what such a view means for us. The course is run online with 2h highly interactive seminars connected to each module along with recorded material, readings and exercises.
WHat you will learn Increased knowledge on sustainable cities and communities. Deeper understanding of the relationship between urbanization, decarbonisation and sustainability. Improved critical thinking on the opportunities and challenges for sustainable cities and communities as engines for greening the economy. Expanded ability to use systems thinking to assess sustainable cities and communities. About this SpecializationIn this specialization you will learn how to drive change in cities and communities towards sustainable, climate friendly, just, healthy and prosperous futures, and you will boost your career with new knowledge, understanding and skills for navigating urban transformations. This specialisation brings together a series of cutting-edge courses with world-leading teachers on cities, communities, sustainability, governance and innovation. This specialization is offered by the IIIEE at Lund University and the City Futures Academy – an online learning community on urban transformations. Our flagship course, Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities, is ranked in the Best Online Courses of All Time by Class Central. The ranking by Class Central contains 250 courses from 100 universities based on 170,000 reviews. Our specialisation builds on the success of the Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities course. A key approach embedded in the courses in this specialisation is the role of experimentation in urban transformations. In particular, urban living labs are highlighted as a means for catalysing change in cities and communities towards sustainable, climate friendly, just, healthy and prosperous futures. The experimentation within urban living labs offers the potential for accelerating transformations and systematic learning across urban and national contexts. Applied Learning Project Learners are introduced to key facts and insights about sustainable cities and communities as engines for greening the economy, then tasked with developing this understanding through readings and practice exercises that highlight the role of urban living labs in creating sustainable cities and communities. Specifically, you will learn: how to work with greening the economy through cities and communities; how to design and implement urban living labs for accelerating change in cities and communities; how to build resilience and create a host of benefits from nature-based solutions in cities and communities; and how to influence consumption patterns in cities and communities through sharing practices . Further documentaries and quizzes will provide you with critical thinking and a broader and deeper perspective that are essential to understanding and creating sustainable cities and communities.
This is an introductory course on the history, social, economic, and ecological aspects of food production in the Baltic Sea Region. The course also focuses on future challenges, such as food security and climate change. The course consists of four parts. -The history of agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region -Ecological, economic and social aspects of food systems -The challenges of sustainable food systems - now and tomorrow -Examples from the region Upon completion of the course, students can request a digital certificate by contacting pontus.ambros@balticuniv.uu.se