
Open for the Climate

A government mission to create open online education for climate change. Nine higher education institutions in collaboration to create a wide range of education in dialogue with relevant organizations in business and the surrounding society. The assignment is coordinated by Uppsala University. The aim is to enable shorter further education in relevant areas, such as engineering, science, procurement law, computer science and urban social planning etc. The courses developed are presented here.


Remanufacturing – what is it and why do it?

Learn about remanufacturing in this short introduction course. After you have completed this course you will be able to define what remanufacturing is and explain its drivers and challenges. The course also brings up industrial remanufacturing examples from all around the world.About the courseThis course describe what remanufacturing is by defining it and showing existing industrial remanufacturing examples. It also brings up drivers and challenges to remanufacturing and what the economic and environmental aspects that are connected to remanufacturing. Topic covered by the courseWhen you have passed this MOOC you will be able to: - define remanufacturing- give industrial examples of remanufacturing- explain drivers and challenges to remanufacturing- connect economic and environmental aspects to remanufacturingWho can take the course?The course is open to everyone and free. There are no requirements for prior knowledge or special qualifications to participate in the course. Course structureThe course is an online course where teaching is completely by remote methods, using a web-based platform. It consists of several pre-recorded lectures, readings and exercises.

Cirkulär ekonomi – en kort grundkurs

Funderar du över vad en cirkulär ekonomi innebär och hur den påverkar dig som privatperson och i ditt yrkesliv? Då ska du ta del den här korta grundkursen, som bygger på kunskaper och erfarenheter från de främsta forskarna och pionjärerna inom akademin och näringslivet. Utbildningen lyfter fram några grundläggande koncept och strategier som du kan dra praktisk nytta av såväl i ditt yrkesliv som privatliv.Om den här kursenHållbarhet är högaktuellt, för individer, företag och samhället i stort. Det är inte längre en fråga om vi har miljöproblem eller inte. Cirkulär ekonomi har lyfts fram som en ekonomisk modell och policylösning på miljöfrågor, en lösning som också hanterar sociala och ekonomiska utmaningar. Det är en ekonomi som grundas på cirkulära resurskretslopp istället för de linjära processer som hittills är dominerande. En nyckel till en mer cirkulär ekonomi är att vända resursutmaningar till möjligheter till förändring och innovation. Ökad cirkulär och effektiv resursanvändning gynnar företagens konkurrenskraft och gör samhället mer hållbart genom t ex minskad resursanvändning, minskad miljöpåverkan och ökad social rättvisa. Gör dig redo för en cirkulär och hållbar framtid! Kursen är en kort snabbkurs i cirkulär ekonomi. Du lär dig om grundläggande koncept och strategier för utvecklingen av en cirkulär och hållbar ekonomi byggd på cirkulära flöden av resurser. Kursen bygger på kunskaper och erfarenheter från de främsta forskarna och pionjärerna inom akademin och näringslivet. Kunskaper du kommer att ha praktisk nytta av i ditt fortsatta yrkesliv och privat. Det här får du lära digNär du har gått kursen kommer du att:- kunna övergripande redogöra för vad cirkulär ekonomi är- ha förståelse för grundläggande koncept kopplat till cirkulär ekonomi Vem riktar sig kursen mot?Alla som har ett intresse för cirkulär ekonomi. Målgruppen är personer som vill få en grundkunskap om cirkulär ekonomi, exempelvis:- lärare- ingenjörer- politiker- beslutsfattareKursen är öppen för alla och gratis. Det finns inga krav på förkunskaper eller särskild behörighet för att delta i kursen. UppläggKursen består av sju moduler, som sätter cirkulär ekonomi i ett historiskt perspektiv, förklarar begreppet och ställer frågan vad cirkulär ekonomi är för dig. 

Climate Change Leadership and Transitions in Practice (self paced)

Learn more about climate change’s impact on society and how you can lead a wide range of transition processes and practically work with climate transitions within different areas.   Ongoing and future climate impacts on different parts of society, the attempts to try to build sustainability within planetary boundaries and interconnected international crises’ have created a unique situation concerning the issues’ urgency, complexity and uncertainty. Within this shifting landscape knowledgeable, creative and brave leaders and citizens are necessary to being able to fundamentally change how businesses, regions, municipalities and different organizations work and achieve results. This online course introduces climate science, climate change’s impact on society, different perspectives on the causes and possible solutions to the climate dilemma, climate justice and international agreements, carbon budgets and different climate scenarios, leadership within different contexts on different levels, key areas for successful transitions and different good examples of climate transitions, the individual’s and the collective’s possibilities and responsibilities, and concrete first steps towards transitions work within your work and local context.

Batteries: Powering a Mobile World

This course provides a glimpse into the world of batteries. We all use batteries every day, but do you really know how a battery works, what’s inside it, what it’s useful for, and how scientists are trying to improve them for the future? In this introductory course, we will tell you everything from battery basics, through the development of the lithium-ion battery, their applications and requirements, what kinds of materials are used to build batteries, to what happens to a battery when it’s finished its life and how batteries are being developed for the future. As a participant in this course, you ideally have some form of technical background, probably studied sciences at college or even in higher education, or have experience in a technical profession. It is hoped that after the course you will be much more aware of the battery world, the requirements, applications and components of a battery, as well as having a wider perspective of how this important technology will develop over the coming decade. It is expected that this course should take about 10-15 hours in total to complete.   The course is available from 30th of December 2022.

Miljö, klimat och hälsa

Miljö, klimat och hälsa Kursen ger en fördjupad förståelse för hur hälsa samspelar med globalisering och miljö- och klimatförändringar, och hur hållbara lösningar kan utvecklas på lokal och global nivå för att möta framtidens utmaningar.   Kursens innehåll Globala processer såsom miljö- och klimatförändringarDe globala hållbarhetsmålen / Agenda 2030HälsokonsekvensanalysKlimatanpassningRamverk inom miljö- och klimatpolitik.  Vidare behandlar kursen specifikt klimatförändringar och deras effekter på hälsa i vårt nordeuropeiska klimatområde. I det sammanhanget behandlas också särskilt utsatta miljöer respektive känsliga patientgrupper och individer. Även värmens effekter vid arbete samt klimatanpassning och förebyggande av väderrelaterade risker för boende och inom hälso- och sjukvård ingår. Larmkedjor, handlingsplaner och beredskapsfrågor inom vård- och omsorg tas upp, och effektiviteten av förebyggande åtgärder inom vård- och omsorg.   Omfattning Kursen är uppdelad i tre delar, med totalt 15 filmade föreläsningar.   Medverkande Christofer Åström (Medicine doktor, Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet) Maria Nilsson (Professor, Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå universitet) Chris Ebi (Professor, Center for Health and the Global Environment, University of Washington) Eva-Lotta Glader (Docent, överläkare, Folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå universitet) Gustav Strandberg (Filosofie doktor, SMHI)

Efficient Sustainable Development Goal fulfilment through collaborative learning and the UNDP 7-Step methodology

About the course:This course is a collaboration between Uppsala University and the United Nations Development Programme.  The course aims to strengthen participants' capacity to contribute actively to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, in a complex, ever changing, global society. It will do so by clarifying the context of the SDGs in the international community, and by addressing the needed solutions from a both human and technical approach. The course consists of three modules, which will take you around 16 hours to complete. Module 1 will provide you with a wider background context to the SDGs and the aim is that following this module you will have gained insight into how humanity is being brought together. You will have received a basic understanding of the framework of the rules-based world order, within which the SDGs are set, how they link to this framework, as well as on how progress is maintained. Module 2 will provide you with collaborative learning tools and methods of co-creation. It will provide insights on why change fails and suggest planning tools and resources to enable transition from the current state to the desired state. It will show how you can apply some of these tools to foster collaborative innovations addressing sustainability challenges. Module 3 will provide you with current-day insights into the United Nations Development Programme, the UN body that manages and follows up the progress of the SDGs. You will be introduced to practical tools used by the organization to promote SDG fulfilment, the UNDP 7-step methodology, exemplified by a special focus on e-mobility. This online course is stand-alone, but it is also given as an advanced level as a five week course awarding university credits. Target group:The course has been created for those of you who are seeking a more in-depth understanding of the background and international context of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is for those of you who want to work hands-on with sustainable development, to strengthen this capacity, and are interested in both the human and technical side of delivering solutions. Suppose you are interested in the climate agenda and the power of collaboration, as well as curious to learn more about electrification in transportation systems. In that case, this is a course for you.        

Introduction to Materials in a circular society

This course is taught in Swedish. The circular economy can now be considered an established part of the transition to a sustainable society. But what does it really mean and what is new? This course will give you an introduction to the circular economy with a focus on materials. You will learn what the circular economy is, how it relates to sustainable development and the key principles of the circular economy. Adding on to this introductory course, there is a course on recycling and a course on metals in a circular society. Materials in a circular society - Recycling Materials in a circular society - Metals The course is free of charge, taught online with no scheduled meetings and can be followed at your own pace. You can take the course without any subject-specific prior knowledge. You will be continuously examined by answering questions related to each part. Examination is through automatically corrected questions and reflection tasks. To pass, you must answer all questions correctly. There is no limit to the number of times you can answer the questions. The reflection questions allow you to stop and give answers from your own perspective. These are not graded. See all free online courses that KTH offers

Materials in a circular society - Recycling

This course is taught in Swedish. This course is an extension to the course Introduction to materials in a circular society. The course summarises the state of the art in circular economy and recycling of materials. The course includes the following elements: What is recycling? Different materials and processes for recycling Open and closed systems for recycling Standards and recycling in a circular society The course is completely free of charge, taught online with no scheduled meetings, and can be followed at your own pace. You can take the course without subject-specific prior knowledge. You will be continuously examined by answering questions related to each part. Examination is by automatically corrected questions and reflection tasks. To pass, you must answer all questions correctly. There is no limit to the number of times you can answer the questions. The reflection questions allow you to stop and give answers from your own perspective. These are not graded.  Other courses about the circular economy: Introduction to materials in a circular society Materials in a circular society - Metals See all free online courses that KTH offers

Materials in a circular economy - Metals

This course is taught in Swedish. This course is an extension to the course Introduction to materials in a circular society. The course gives you basic insights into the circular economy and the recycling of metals. You will also gain an understanding of the recycling of the most common metals and their role in a sustainable society in a circular economy. During the course we will review: The basics of the properties of the most common metals and their different uses The basics of the production of the most common metallic materials Recycling of metals and their environmental footprint The basics of the circular economy The course is completely free of charge, taught online with no scheduled sessions, and can be followed at your own pace. You can take the course without subject-specific prior knowledge. The course consists of five parts: Introduction to metals Properties of metals Classification of major metals Preparation of the most common metals Recycling and environmental perspectives  You will be examined continuously by answering questions related to each part. The examination is based on questions that are automatically corrected. To pass, you must answer all questions correctly. There is no limit to the number of times you can answer the questions. After passing the course you will have learned to: Explain the characteristics of metallic materials and describe the properties, uses and production processes of the most common metallic materials. Reason insightfully about the strengths and weaknesses of different metallic materials from both a user and sustainability perspective. Explain the process for recycling different metals in a circular economy with low environmental impact. Explain what a circular economy is and explain key circular economy concepts. Other courses about the circular economy: Introduction to materials in a circular society Materials in a circular society - Recycling See all free online courses that KTH offers

Introduction to Sustainable Development

In this course package you will get a basic introduction to the concept of sustainable development. Among other things, we will discuss: The three pillars of sustainability (economic, social and ecological sustainability) Planetary boundaries Resource management  You will also learn about key competences for sustainability such as systems thinking and values thinking, and get an overview of the basic mechanisms of Earth’s climate and climate change. See all free online courses that KTH offers

Enforcing Sustainable Development

What can we do to address the sustainability challenges we face? In this course, you will gain insight into how individuals, organisations and societies approach sustainability challenges in different ways. In various parts of the world different challenges are prioritized and thereby, various approaches and solutions are needed. You will learn about the considerations needed to make decisions of how to prioritize sustainable development. You will also be introduced to different strategies for changing values, attitudes and behaviours. The course introduces enforcements that are applied to influence individuals within companies and in the society at large, including different incentives and instruments to ensure more sustainable behaviours. This course is relevant to professionals working in industry, policymakers, or students in engineering. What you'll learn Identify and prioritize solutions based on different perspectives About how the values, attitudes and behaviours for sustainable development are connected About different environmental management tools How to implement organizational learning, incentives and instruments to change behaviours for sustainable development Concepts used in the current sustainability debate See all free online courses that KTH offers

Hållbar utveckling ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv för yrkeslärare

Välkommen till ett öppet och nätbaserat utbildningsmaterial som bidrar med kunskap och inspiration för att stödja yrkeslärares undervisning med Hållbar utveckling. MålgruppVerksamma yrkeslärare och yrkeslärarstudenter. InnehållUtbildningsmaterialet baseras på: nationella och internationella styrdokument om Hållbar utveckling, yrkeslärares beprövade undervisningserfarenhet samt forskning om skolutveckling och yrkeslärares undervisning för alla yrkeselever Kursmaterialet ger grundläggande kunskap om Hållbar utveckling och en fördjupning i dimensionen Social hållbarhet. Avsikten är också att inspirera till programvisa skolutvecklingsarbeten genom filmer där verksamma yrkeslärare beskriver hur de arbetar med Hållbar utveckling i olika yrkesprogram. Utbildningsmaterialet består av inspelade föreläsningar som du kan ta del av i den ordning du har behov av. Om du inte tidigare arbetat med Hållbar utveckling i ditt yrkesprogram rekommenderar vi att du tar del av utbildningsmaterialet i följande ordning: Hållbar utveckling Social hållbarhet Skolutveckling Inspirationsfilmer av och för yrkeslärare Vid anmälan får du länk till material och inloggningsuppgifter. Mer information om utbildningen.  Medverkande Mari Forsberg, universitetsadjunkt, Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet Robert Holmgren, lektor, Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet Gerd Pettersson, lektor, Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet Jenny Björkén, yrkeslärare, Hotell- och turismprogrammet, Astar, Luleå Stina Björkén, yrkeslärare, Restaurang- och livsmedelsprogrammet, Astar, Luleå Urban Burman, yrkeslärare, Fordons- och transportprogrammet, Anderstorpsskolan, Skellefteå Annette Christiansen, yrkeslärarstudent, Hantverksprogrammet frisör, Luleå Anna Renhorn Pohl, yrkeslärare, Försäljnings- och serviceprogrammet, Praktiska gymnasiet, Skellefteå